270 wsm and 130 gr. E-tip


Aug 26, 2013
Any recommended loads for the above? OAL? My rifle shoots 130 gr. AB’s well but not Barnes 130 gr. TSX. Since I need more lead free bullets (California Law) I thought I would try E-tips, better B.C. and they are available. I have MagPro, 7828 and IMR 4350.
I've shot multiple moose, elk and whitetail with a 130 grain E-Tip launched from my 270WSM. All died quite handily. I'm charging with 59.5 grains of RL17 and igniting with a WLR primer.
I am in the same boat as you. The E-tips work well. If the E-tip doesn't work out for you, Barnes also has a LRX bullet with an exceptional BC that has shot well in a few different rifles. Hopefully the lead free crap doesn't hit northern Ca until about 2019--then I will be out of here. Good luck with the E-tips.
Thanks DrMike and runtohunt. Do the E-tips seem to like more of a jump to the rifling?

runtohunt, we have had mixed result with the Barnes bullets both in accuracy and performance on deer, but they definitely damage less meat. Might have to try the LRX.
Most of the rifles that I have tried the E-tip and the Barnes in have been Weatherbys so I have not been able to get them remotely close to the lands. The guns that I load for have taken one Blacktail, two elk and well over a dozen antelope with the Barnes or the E-tip. I don't think that game performance wise you will notice a difference between the two. Good luck with your loads.