.277 ABLR Data ?

Heres a little fun tip from my grab bag. I'm a lee collet neck sizer slut. But they don't make one for the 257 bee or the 270 bee.....or do they??!
I use my 2506 and my 270 win collet dies on the wby's. A little studying of the case dimensions will show how close they are. I have a few washers sitting on my bench that are big enough to slip over the casing yet ride beautifully on top of the shellholder. The deal is you want to activate the collet earlier as the longer case goes into the die. It works PERFECTLY.
Its kind of like "throwing the ring around the coke bottle at the county fair" but it works and it's doesn't slow you down too much reloading.....it's not like you are loading for a prairie dog shoot.
NOW...all this said. I have another thing to add. And this one is always super controversial.
I find that once fired brass gives me another 50 fps with the SAME POWDER CHARGE as virgin brass. If I hit it lucky and find the perfect load with virgin I always back it down 1 grain for the next firing and the chrono says its a near match.
Theres something about that case stretch on belted magnum cases that's different on the virgin firing.
I've had some really good reloaders tell me this is hogwash.
I've had some really good reloaders report the same happens to them.
Then the DEBATE REALLY BEGINS as to whether there is more or less pressure from getting that extra speed.
I'd love to have one of the nosler moderaters run this by their ballistics people and see what they say.
Scotty, Kraky & Duby I have learned so much in this one post that I should have plenty of info to get these 150's worked up as well as some 140's and I always run once fired brass! My Mark V 22-250 is the only Bee that has virgin brass as I also have some factory Winchester white box that is unshot but I have a 100 Lapua 22-250 for my Super Varmintmaster to load up !! Thanks for the Bee specific data Kraky as I have 5 of them to load for :) appreciate everyone throwing in some great info as I am a novice reloader and really appreciate al this help, JD thanks as well :)
I tried Retumbo and ran out of room at 75 gr. and was only getting 3030. I've also ran with RL-25, H1000, RL-22, Magnum, and 7828ssc. I'm finding that it is taking a surprising amount of powder to get anything above a 270 Winchester velocity. I'm closer to the listed 140 gr bullet data than I am the 150gr bullet data. I think that these bullets having a shorter bearing surface are going to require more powder than the BT/AB/PT in the same weight. I'm finding the same in my STW with Retumbo and the 168 ABLR compared to the 160 AB.

I have not had any good luck with the 150 ABLR in my 270 Weatherby. I can't get a group over 3050 fps under 3". And the groups don't look like they are even trying to shoot, they are getting flung all over. I know there is nothing wrong with the rifle as it still shoots 130 BT and 140 AB pretty well. It might just not like the 150 ABLR :cry: I have not gave up yet, but it sure is not looking good.

I wish you significantly better results!
JMad...curious in the 7mm's....did you run matching charges under the 160ab and 168 ablr and find the 168 slower?
That would be interesting.
I'm using nosler brass in both my STW and 270 Weatherby. I'm running 80gr of retumbo with the ablr getting 3130. with the 160AB I was running 78-79gr and getting 3100-3200. 80gr gave me pressure. If I switch to RP brass, I can go up a full grain and get the same speed. I ended up shooting 78gr Magnum for 3100 out if it with the 160 AB. It just shot better and powder is $10/lb cheaper around here.

I'm up over 71 gr of rl-22 and have not broke 3200 in the Weatherby, and am getting zero pressure. please work up to that.
jmad_81":1oq3fxs5 said:
I'm up over 71 gr of rl-22 and have not broke 3200 in the Weatherby, and am getting zero pressure. please work up to that.

Seems like RL22 might be your huckleberry. If that works, 7828 might be a good one as well..
Maybe a slightly faster powder like H 4831 sc might work well too if you are running out of space with Retumbo.
I'm going to keep playing with them a bit more but so far things are not looking good. I started to panic when I was getting up near the same charge of 7828 that I'm using for the 140 AB. I guess I'll keep slowly working up and let my rifle tell me what works and what doesn't.

Gerry, I might need to by a pound of H4831. I have never shot it, ever. I have always wanted to try it in a few different guns over the years, but never got around to it. Might have to now.
It's a good powder to have around, a lot of guns shoot very well with it. Going higher with IMR 7828 might get you where you want to be, it's another good one.