.280 Nosler 160 Partition


Aug 19, 2012
I hate to ask...but if/when you get time, could either Scotty or Dr Mike look on QL and give me some data for the 160 Partition for my 22'bb/.280/Nosler brass? I'm looking, naturally, for the higher pressure loads ( .270 level) Thanks. Off to work! Jim
I ran this at 65K psi.

Cartridge          : .280 Rem.
Bullet             : .284, 160, Nosler PART SP 16327
Useable Case Capaci: 60.224 grain H2O = 3.910 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.330 inch = 84.58 mm
Barrel Length      : 22.0 inch = 558.8 mm
Powder             : Vihtavuori N560

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 2.0% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step    Fill. Charge   Vel.  Energy   Pmax   Pmuz  Prop.Burnt B_Time
 %       %    Grains   fps   ft.lbs    psi    psi      %        ms

-20.0   85    48.48   2304    1886   31826  10630     85.5    1.485
-18.0   88    49.69   2367    1991   34081  11023     87.1    1.446
-16.0   90    50.90   2430    2098   36506  11407     88.6    1.407
-14.0   92    52.12   2494    2210   39112  11781     90.0    1.361
-12.0   94    53.33   2558    2325   41915  12142     91.3    1.317
-10.0   96    54.54   2623    2444   44937  12489     92.6    1.273
-08.0   98    55.75   2688    2566   48193  12820     93.8    1.232
-06.0  100    56.96   2753    2692   51709  13133     94.9    1.192
-04.0  103    58.18   2818    2821   55508  13427     95.8    1.153  ! Near Maximum !
-02.0  105    59.39   2884    2954   59620  13699     96.7    1.115  ! Near Maximum !
+00.0  107    60.60   2949    3090   64076  13948     97.5    1.079  ! Near Maximum !
+02.0  109    61.81   3015    3229   68912  14172     98.2    1.044  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+04.0  111    63.02   3080    3371   74169  14369     98.8    1.011  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+06.0  113    64.24   3146    3516   79868  14537     99.3    0.978  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+08.0  115    65.45   3212    3665   86052  14676     99.6    0.947  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+10.0  118    66.66   3277    3816   92789  14783     99.9    0.916  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Results caused by ± 10% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Data for burning rate increased by 10% relative to nominal value:
+Ba    107    60.60   3106    3427   78413  13741    100.0    0.993  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Data for burning rate decreased by 10% relative to nominal value:
-Ba    107    60.60   2740    2666   51291  13332     90.3    1.191

Cartridge          : .280 Rem.
Bullet             : .284, 160, Nosler PART SP 16327
Useable Case Capaci: 60.224 grain H2O = 3.910 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.330 inch = 84.58 mm
Barrel Length      : 22.0 inch = 558.8 mm

Predicted Data for Indicated Charges of the Following Powders.
Matching Maximum Pressure: 64000 psi, or 441 MPa
or a maximum loading ratio or filling of 110 %
These calculations refer to your specified settings in QuickLOAD 'Cartridge Dimensions' window.
C A U T I O N : any load listed can result in a powder charge that falls below minimum suggested
loads or exceeds maximum suggested loads as presented in current handloading manuals. Understand
that all of the listed powders can be unsuitable for the given combination of cartridge, bullet
and gun. Actual load order can vary, depending upon lot-to-lot powder and component variations.

7 loads produced a Loading Ratio below user-defined minimum of 90%. These powders have been skipped.
Powder type          Filling/Loading Ratio  Charge    Charge   Vel. Prop.Burnt P max  P muzz  B_Time
                                      %     Grains    Gramm   fps     %       psi     psi    ms
---------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------
Norma MRP                          105.0     60.9     3.94    2959    99.7    64000   13702   1.083  ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N560                    106.8     60.6     3.93    2948    97.5    64000   13944   1.080  ! Near Maximum !
Accurate MAGPRO                    107.0     63.2     4.09    2937    96.1    64000   13984   1.086  ! Near Maximum !
IMR 7828 SSC                       105.2     60.0     3.89    2932    97.9    64000   13484   1.072  ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-22                 107.0     60.1     3.89    2927    98.9    64000   13449   1.086  ! Near Maximum !
Winchester WXR                     109.9     60.4     3.91    2925    98.8    64000   13463   1.086  ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot Magnum                     106.5     64.4     4.17    2907    99.3    64000   12857   1.077  ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-17                  94.3     54.9     3.56    2902   100.0    64000   12083   1.087  ! Near Maximum !
IMR 7828                           110.0     59.3     3.85    2895    97.5    61449   13362   1.092  ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-19                 103.6     57.5     3.73    2882    98.8    64000   12791   1.086  ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot Hunter                      99.1     56.8     3.68    2879    99.9    64000   12425   1.092  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H414                        93.6     55.0     3.56    2876    99.7    64000   12456   1.093  ! Near Maximum !
Winchester 760                      93.6     55.0     3.56    2876    99.7    64000   12456   1.093  ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-25                 110.0     60.7     3.94    2869   100.0    57519   13073   1.128  ! Near Maximum !
Norma 204                           98.2     56.3     3.65    2858    98.6    64000   12446   1.086  ! Near Maximum !
Norma URP                           98.6     54.2     3.51    2858   100.0    64000   11886   1.099  ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N550                     95.8     54.4     3.52    2858   100.0    64000   12032   1.103  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H4831                      108.9     58.8     3.81    2855    97.1    64000   12555   1.082  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H4831 SC                   104.7     58.8     3.81    2855    97.1    64000   12555   1.082  ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 4350                       97.8     54.3     3.52    2853   100.0    64000   11852   1.115  ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4831                           103.5     55.0     3.56    2841   100.0    64000   11634   1.107  ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 3100                      107.0     59.4     3.85    2836    99.9    64000   11918   1.116  ! Near Maximum !
Winchester Supreme 780             102.0     59.7     3.87    2835    98.6    64000   12129   1.090  ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N165                    109.2     59.9     3.88    2832    99.1    64000   11943   1.094  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon Hybrid 100V                101.2     54.4     3.52    2818   100.0    64000   10958   1.098  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H380                        91.1     51.7     3.35    2816   100.0    64000   11469   1.106  ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N160                    109.1     58.1     3.76    2813    97.7    64000   11897   1.091  ! Near Maximum !
Norma 203 old                       91.4     51.3     3.32    2804   100.0    64000   11031   1.118  ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4007 SSC                        93.0     52.4     3.39    2801    99.3    64000   11605   1.101  ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 4064                       90.9     49.4     3.20    2759   100.0    64000   10346   1.139  ! Near Maximum !
I have heard alot about IMR7828SSC and RL22 working very well too..

Cartridge : .280 Rem.
Bullet : .284, 160, Nosler PART SP 16327
Useable Case Capaci: 60.224 grain H2O = 3.910 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.330 inch = 84.58 mm
Barrel Length : 22.0 inch = 558.8 mm
Powder : Alliant Reloder-22

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 2.0% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step Fill. Charge Vel. Energy Pmax Pmuz Prop.Burnt B_Time
% % Grains fps ft.lbs psi psi % ms

-20.0 85 47.60 2276 1840 30873 10362 88.1 1.508
-18.0 87 48.79 2337 1940 33046 10727 89.6 1.469
-16.0 89 49.98 2398 2043 35381 11082 90.9 1.430
-14.0 91 51.17 2460 2149 37890 11426 92.2 1.387
-12.0 93 52.36 2522 2259 40589 11755 93.5 1.342
-10.0 95 53.55 2584 2372 43492 12070 94.6 1.298
-08.0 98 54.74 2646 2488 46625 12368 95.6 1.256
-06.0 100 55.93 2709 2607 50000 12647 96.5 1.216
-04.0 102 57.12 2771 2729 53646 12906 97.4 1.177
-02.0 104 58.31 2834 2853 57588 13143 98.1 1.139 ! Near Maximum !
+00.0 106 59.50 2897 2981 61849 13356 98.7 1.103 ! Near Maximum !
+02.0 108 60.69 2959 3111 66426 13544 99.2 1.068 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+04.0 110 61.88 3022 3244 71368 13706 99.6 1.034 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+06.0 112 63.07 3084 3379 76719 13840 99.8 1.001 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+08.0 115 64.26 3146 3516 82520 13944 100.0 0.969 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+10.0 117 65.45 3208 3656 88823 14018 100.0 0.939 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Results caused by ± 10% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Data for burning rate increased by 10% relative to nominal value:
+Ba 106 59.50 3040 3284 75491 12991 100.0 1.015 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Data for burning rate decreased by 10% relative to nominal value:
-Ba 106 59.50 2698 2587 49255 12938 92.4 1.217

Cartridge : .280 Rem.
Bullet : .284, 160, Nosler PART SP 16327
Useable Case Capaci: 60.224 grain H2O = 3.910 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.330 inch = 84.58 mm
Barrel Length : 22.0 inch = 558.8 mm
Powder : IMR 7828 SSC

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 2.0% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step Fill. Charge Vel. Energy Pmax Pmuz Prop.Burnt B_Time
% % Grains fps ft.lbs psi psi % ms

-20.0 83 47.60 2261 1817 30853 10172 85.1 1.497
-18.0 86 48.79 2324 1918 33029 10558 86.7 1.457
-16.0 88 49.98 2386 2023 35367 10934 88.3 1.417
-14.0 90 51.17 2450 2132 37881 11299 89.7 1.374
-12.0 92 52.36 2513 2244 40588 11652 91.1 1.329
-10.0 94 53.55 2578 2361 43504 11990 92.5 1.285
-08.0 96 54.74 2642 2481 46652 12311 93.7 1.243
-06.0 98 55.93 2707 2604 50053 12614 94.8 1.202
-04.0 100 57.12 2773 2731 53731 12896 95.8 1.163
-02.0 102 58.31 2838 2862 57715 13156 96.8 1.124 ! Near Maximum !
+00.0 104 59.50 2904 2996 62039 13391 97.6 1.087 ! Near Maximum !
+02.0 106 60.69 2970 3133 66739 13600 98.3 1.052 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+04.0 109 61.88 3036 3274 71858 13781 98.9 1.017 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+06.0 111 63.07 3101 3418 77441 13931 99.3 0.984 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+08.0 113 64.26 3167 3564 83559 14050 99.7 0.952 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+10.0 115 65.45 3233 3714 90262 14135 99.9 0.920 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Results caused by ± 10% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Data for burning rate increased by 10% relative to nominal value:
+Ba 104 59.50 3060 3327 75661 13153 100.0 1.001 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Data for burning rate decreased by 10% relative to nominal value:
-Ba 104 59.50 2694 2579 50243 12784 90.1 1.198

Good luck Jim. Show us some pictures if you get something worked out.
My load for the 280 Rem 160 gr PT was 56.0 grs IMR 4831. Accuracy was .400" from a M700 Classic.

JD338":14yjlkq7 said:
My load for the 280 Rem 160 gr PT was 56.0 grs IMR 4831. Accuracy was .400" from a M700 Classic.

What did the fps result with that Jim? Sounds like a great load!!
Sorry, I always forget about you IMR4831 guys. I know it has a strong standing in the 280 Rem as well..

Cartridge : .280 Rem.
Bullet : .284, 160, Nosler PART SP 16327
Useable Case Capaci: 60.224 grain H2O = 3.910 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.330 inch = 84.58 mm
Barrel Length : 22.0 inch = 558.8 mm
Powder : IMR 4831

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 2.0% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step Fill. Charge Vel. Energy Pmax Pmuz Prop.Burnt B_Time
% % Grains fps ft.lbs psi psi % ms

-20.0 84 44.80 2341 1948 35256 10012 96.6 1.461
-18.0 86 45.92 2398 2042 37663 10264 97.4 1.419
-16.0 88 47.04 2453 2138 40226 10499 98.1 1.376
-14.0 91 48.16 2509 2237 42954 10718 98.7 1.333
-12.0 93 49.28 2564 2336 45858 10917 99.2 1.292
-10.0 95 50.40 2619 2437 48951 11097 99.6 1.253
-08.0 97 51.52 2674 2540 52246 11257 99.8 1.215
-06.0 99 52.64 2728 2643 55757 11396 100.0 1.179 ! Near Maximum !
-04.0 101 53.76 2781 2748 59501 11513 100.0 1.144 ! Near Maximum !
-02.0 103 54.88 2834 2854 63497 11621 100.0 1.111 ! Near Maximum !
+00.0 105 56.00 2887 2961 67763 11725 100.0 1.079 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+02.0 107 57.12 2939 3068 72322 11826 100.0 1.047 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+04.0 110 58.24 2990 3177 77200 11924 100.0 1.018 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+06.0 112 59.36 3042 3287 82424 12017 100.0 0.989 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+08.0 114 60.48 3093 3399 88027 12106 100.0 0.961 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+10.0 116 61.60 3144 3512 94042 12190 100.0 0.934 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Results caused by ± 10% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Data for burning rate increased by 10% relative to nominal value:
+Ba 105 56.00 2982 3159 80709 11304 100.0 1.003 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Data for burning rate decreased by 10% relative to nominal value:
-Ba 105 56.00 2742 2671 54905 12112 98.7 1.181
RL 19 is a good one too, it worked well from my cousin's 280 Rem. My buddy runs H 4350 with the 160 gr Partition Gold at 2800 fps.
Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. I have had great results, so far, with R22 (59/154SST, 59/150ABLR and 57/168ABLR) I would be ticked with anything over 2800, but over 2900 would just be sweet! I was fortunate in that a couple local GS had some of these 160PTs come in. I get 2750 with the 168 and great accuracy. Wherever I end up with the 160 I will then compare the two at 300. I am satisfied with my 154SST/150ABLR, but I want a somewhat heavy/better constructed bullet for woods/open woods hunting, especially during elk season or big hogs in Texas. I used the 150PT at 3200 from a 7mm RemMag on a close range Georgia whitetail at 15yds from a treestand, no bloodshot meat, lungs were soup. I loaned a friend that same rifle with my 160PT/IMR 4350 load for an elk hunt. It worked swell for him. I "thought" I was getting the book velocity of 3100 but over a chrono it was only going 2950. That's why I'm thinking anything over 2800 from this 22" 7mm Express would be nice/possible. Plus, my rifle has that long throat, 3.5" is easy goal for COL, leaving me more room for powder/possible workup. I'm going to start with R22, Magpro and IMR 4831. I only have the long cut 7828 and it was disappointing with the Speer 160HC. I was "tempted" to buy another 7mm RemMag yesterday, but the one I saw only had a 24" bbl. I can get a new 700 SPS with 26" 7RM for $596 but I'd be right back where I was with my 7mm RUM...too tempting to shoot a critter too far to drag back to the truck, ha. I'm going start playing around with a ,308 and a 338 Fed next, along with this 7mm Express/280. Life is good, especially since the ice has melted in my driveway! Have a good day guys, Jim
Oh yeah, you guys using standard or magnum primers with your loads?
Good luck Jim. You've got a cool selection of rifles coming up.

That 160 PT around 2900 doesn't leave much to be desired.
preacher":3havtv4o said:
Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. I have had great results, so far, with R22 (59/154SST, 59/150ABLR and 57/168ABLR) I would be ticked with anything over 2800, but over 2900 would just be sweet! I was fortunate in that a couple local GS had some of these 160PTs come in. I get 2750 with the 168 and great accuracy. Wherever I end up with the 160 I will then compare the two at 300. I am satisfied with my 154SST/150ABLR, but I want a somewhat heavy/better constructed bullet for woods/open woods hunting, especially during elk season or big hogs in Texas. I used the 150PT at 3200 from a 7mm RemMag on a close range Georgia whitetail at 15yds from a treestand, no bloodshot meat, lungs were soup. I loaned a friend that same rifle with my 160PT/IMR 4350 load for an elk hunt. It worked swell for him. I "thought" I was getting the book velocity of 3100 but over a chrono it was only going 2950. That's why I'm thinking anything over 2800 from this 22" 7mm Express would be nice/possible. Plus, my rifle has that long throat, 3.5" is easy goal for COL, leaving me more room for powder/possible workup. I'm going to start with R22, Magpro and IMR 4831. I only have the long cut 7828 and it was disappointing with the Speer 160HC. I was "tempted" to buy another 7mm RemMag yesterday, but the one I saw only had a 24" bbl. I can get a new 700 SPS with 26" 7RM for $596 but I'd be right back where I was with my 7mm RUM...too tempting to shoot a critter too far to drag back to the truck, ha. I'm going start playing around with a ,308 and a 338 Fed next, along with this 7mm Express/280. Life is good, especially since the ice has melted in my driveway! Have a good day guys, Jim
Oh yeah, you guys using standard or magnum primers with your loads?

If it matters to you....optimal barrel time looks to be around 2,850 fps (give or take 25 fps)....node 5, should be easy to reach at nice pressures with the powders you mention and would make a great all round hunting load...I'd use standard primers.
I was playing around with some calculations for OBT for a 24" barrel. Not sure if I totally buy into having nodes based only on length of barrel, but I'm not discounting it either. Or maybe it's one of many variables that make up a node, but the author doesn't seem to think so.

0.816 ms
4901.961 fps
0.8948 ms
4470.273 fps
1.0221 ms
3913.511 fps
1.1016 ms
3631.082 fps
1.2282 ms
3256.799 fps
1.3084 ms
3057.169 fps
1.4343 ms
2788.817 fps

sorry for the hijack :mrgreen:
It (length) is the primary variable that makes up a node....it is purely a function of time...the time it takes the waves to travel back and forth through the barrel, and the time it takes for the bullet to move though the barrel...coinciding the bullet exit with the pressure wave being on the action end of the barrel....that is a node.

All other commonly accepted aspects of accuracy are independent of the node...and dependent on variables within the barrel and/or components...example, some barrels just don't like some bullets....and won't shoot them regardless of barrel time.

That's not a problem with the node....it is usually a problem with how the bullet enters the rifling...the throat, leade angle, and ogive not getting along....but can also be a host of other things (bad bullets for example.

My point is...the nodes are there...I'm certain of it...you are correct that other things can affect accuracy....but nothing except length plays any measurable part in the node.
Update. Range today at 40 deg, moderate tailwind. I didn't set up the chrono for times sake. This 7mm Express just does not like IMR 4831 nor Magpro! 4 to 6 inch groups! I had no pressure issues with top loads even. I tried my R22/59gr and it was "promising"- 2 into same hole with #3 1.25" away. This was with the Nosler 160PT seated 30 thou off the lands. I ran into the same thing with the Speer 145BT when it was seated close to the lands, it wanted to "jump"...will seat these 160s deeper ( about 100 thou off the lands) and try again with R22. My 22-250AI did fine with the 68gr Hornady HPM and H Superformance...BR2 and 44gr. I got right at or a tad less than .5 with 4 rounds. I will clock it later. I may have "scared" it into giving me a good group as from 41 to 43 it was doing 1.25 to 1.5 and I was threatening to having it rebarreled it to 6.5 Creedmoor! ha Funny how a rifle likes one particular powder, in this case, R22!
One thing about .280's! They often vary from predicted muzzle velocity by a fair amount. My grandson's standard .280 A-Bolt gets 3000 fps from 58.0 grains of IMR 7828 in a 22 inch barrel.
Yes sir, so far, this rifle hasn't cared for 7828 either. No sweat as I have a wad of R22. The Speer 145 loves IMR 4350. I loaded up my last Magpro trial with some Barnes 120 TTSX. Book max stops at 68gr, a caseful. If it doesn't work with this particular bullet, I'm done with it for this rifle. Lots of fun though!
I've seen the same thing with my .280, although with a different bullet. I couldn't find any Re22 so I went with IMR7828SSC and worked up to the max in Nosler's manual with the 150 gr. ABLR. Horrible groups with the best at 2.5" at about 2800 FPS. Final load was 3010 FPS with 5 and 6" groups. Rifle is a 1909 Argentine with a fairly heavy 24" barrel. Factory Remington 150 gr. bullets run a hair over1,5" and run 2800 FPS. I haven't had time to mess with it lately but have almost a full year before the next hunt. Maybe I'll find the sweet spot yet.
Paul B.
JD338":23g9jqa4 said:
My load for the 280 Rem 160 gr PT was 56.0 grs IMR 4831. Accuracy was .400" from a M700 Classic.

I might try that load later on. Yesterday I tried R22/7828 again but with the 160 seated .10" off the lands with great speed but no joy for accuracy. I had loaded 4 rounds with IMR4350 at 50.5 and got a .75" average though! I'm right at 2800. With the Speer 145BT sighted +3" I'm an inch high with the 160NP and my 168ABLR/R22 load. (funny how the 150/168 ABLRs love the R22 and the NP could care less! ha)I'm ready to shoot both at 300 now to see what happens. I also tried the 120TTSX with Magpro, got 3150 and 1" rounded group, but doubt I would ever hunt with that load in this rifle, I only had a few to try and I get much better accuracy with the Speer/Hornady/Noslers. I have some 120 Vmax ordered, will try it next for rock chuck load.
Shot 5 each of the 168ABLR and 160NP both at 200 today. Both hit +1"@100 with current zero. Bad news-160NP did OK with a 3" 3 shot group, but was -4" and 2" to right. Good/surprising news-168ABLR ( 2750@muzzle) hits dead on at 200! Sheboygan! That long, slick bullet just doesn't want to slow down! 120Vamx and top load of IMR 4350 gave a .75", 3 shot group at 100. Pressure still moderate. Sweet.
P.S. 168ABLR 5 shot measurement- I had 3 shots at .77" average at bullseye. 2 unexplained flyers were also .75" apart but 2.5" to the right of the bull's-eye.
That 168 ABLR should be a honey of a load. Plenty fast and the BC will work well for it.