2nd Round W/ .257 Bee


Feb 24, 2006
Made it back out for the second time with the Rem 700 in .257 Weatherby.
POP has sugested as well as seeing others on here to try the IMR 7828 w/this round. :grin: It was well worth the purchase. I haven't touched anything since last week other than a good cleaning..... trigger still has not been touched.... :grin: first 4 out of the barrel today. I tried more of the N-165 & N-560. I think I'll stick with the IMR 7828.....???


Nice shooting, looks like IMR7828 is the powder of choice for the 257 Weatherby. With a 3398 MV and a 300 yd zero, she is a flat liner.

Range yds, Path in,Come Ups, moa+clks,Velocity fps, Energy ft/lbs, Windage moa+clks

Muz -1.5 3393 2812 NaN
50 1.0 -2 + 0 3266 2605 0 + 1
100 2.7 -2 + 2 3142 2411 0 + 2
150 3.6 -2 + 1 3021 2229 1 + 0
200 3.4 -1 + 3 2904 2060 1 + 1
250 2.3 -0 + 3 2790 1901 1 + 2
300 0.0 0 + 0 2679 1752 2 + 0
350 -3.5 1 + 0 2570 1613 2 + 1
400 -8.3 2 + 0 2465 1483 2 + 2
450 -14.5 3 + 0 2362 1362 3 + 0
500 -22.3 4 + 1 2262 1249 3 + 2
550 -31.8 5 + 2 2164 1143 3 + 3
600 -43.2 6 + 3 2068 1044 4 + 1


Which one of the web-sites did you pull that from ?

I'll have to load up again and go out and make some minor adjustments. I was going to take the .260 on the next yote trip, but not now..... :grin:

Here is the link-

Register, its free although I don't think you actually have to to use the calculator.
go to Ballistic Calculator, and then Advanced Calculator

Lots of variables you can input, the results are sometimes very interesting!
I used your muzzle velocity of 3393 and a BC of .418

Very flat shooter. Only the 7mm RUM shoots flatter but with a greatly reduced barrel life.

If you want, give me a call and I'll walk ya through the Ballistic Calculator.

Thanks Guys !

I actually use BigGame info all the time... just never have made it that far I guess.
Powerstroke, great shooting. You can work that charge up to 71 grains,that gave me 3525 average velocity and the groups actually shrunk as the velocity went up. I then played with primers and found my best accuracy with rem 9 1/2m's. :grin:
Primers are truly an enigma! A simple primer change can half or double a group.
I actually did shoot a group @ 71.0 grians and it was just slightly over one inch.
Very close on the same velocity however... I averaged 3522 for the group.......

For bone stock out of the box I don't expect any better from that group. I did purchase a box of 100gr B-tips to play with too, so we'll see where that one goes....