Howdy Yall! Here in East Texas we are OVERRUN with wild hogs. I have a Rem. 742 30-06 and have been have GREAT success with the old military M2 ball 150gr. FMJ load. This rifle shoots them very well, plus they are $10.00 a box! So far I have killed 6 pigs with 3 shots! Saturday June 20th I killed 3 pigs with 1 shot. They all dropped in their tracks. Once the bullet enters an animal it appears to tumble doing extensive damage. Yesterday I killed 2 pigs with 1 shot, The second pig caught the bullet in mid tumble. There was a fist size entry wound behind the sows shoulder and it wrecked the spine. Needless to say she dropped in her tracks. The boar that the bullet hit and passed thru first ran less than 50 yards.
Hope this info helps.
Hope this info helps.