30-06 150gr FMJ for wild boars


Apr 4, 2009
Howdy Yall! Here in East Texas we are OVERRUN with wild hogs. I have a Rem. 742 30-06 and have been have GREAT success with the old military M2 ball 150gr. FMJ load. This rifle shoots them very well, plus they are $10.00 a box! So far I have killed 6 pigs with 3 shots! Saturday June 20th I killed 3 pigs with 1 shot. They all dropped in their tracks. Once the bullet enters an animal it appears to tumble doing extensive damage. Yesterday I killed 2 pigs with 1 shot, The second pig caught the bullet in mid tumble. There was a fist size entry wound behind the sows shoulder and it wrecked the spine. Needless to say she dropped in her tracks. The boar that the bullet hit and passed thru first ran less than 50 yards.
Hope this info helps.
Welcome to the forum TX!

Personally I am not a proponent of FMJ's or any type of match bullet for hunting. I am glad you had good success but personally I would never use them. I like expanding bullets on my game.

BTW do you wait for them to line up 3 in a row and then shoot? :roll:
FMJ bullets have been killing soldiers for a hundred+ years so we know they work. but a million+ soldiers haven't died because of them.
I guess I'm just not a good enough shot to hit big game animals in the heart or lungs every time and track them untill they die. Maybe several days later.
As I recall from training received many years ago, FMJ bullets are considered great for the military because it ties up resources for the enemy who are compelled to tend to the wounded. That they kill is not in the question, but that they are much more likely to wound is definitely established. They are not permitted in British Columbia, and I believe that is a federal rule in Canada. With the great selection of controlled expansion bullets available today, I can't see myself using them.
I used to shoot a lot of the surplus 30-06 FMJ back when that was the only rifle I owned. The largest animal I shot with them was a coyote, and it did a nice job on him.

Here in Oregon, it is not leagal to use military type FMJ bullets, altered or not, for big game hunting. Pigs are not a game animal here, and the DFW wants all pig sightings reported, so they can try to get them exterminated. I have only seen 3 pigs in Oregon in almost 30 years of hunting here. The established populations are quite small so far. And thanks to some decent law-making, there are no longer any incentives for ranchers to import pigs or to have them go feral intentionally. I am jealous of you guys that have a local population to hunt though. It's sounds like a lot of fun!

All though they would not be my first choice, they seem to work well for you on piggies. I think the main differences between a FMJ and an expandable bullet placed through the boiler room is wound channel size and ability to track and recover. Other than that, fire away! After all, they are just vermin.

Shooting through 3-4 animals is not what I want to happen when someone is shooting at a bull elk in a herd. Even if the bull is killed and recovered, the wounded cows behind him will not. This could happen with other bullets too, but the rule makes sense.
They are also illegal for hunting most critters in Colorado, but not PIGS. Since they are not a game animal, you can hunt them with any gun, and any ammo. I've shot Rock Chucks with FMJ's out of my Mosen Nagant. Very devistating. It just about skins them. You don't get the flip, but it will pull the skin right off the bones.
Thanks guys! Hogs are NOT a game animal in TEXAS. They are considered VERMIN. Can be taken ANY TIME with ANY METHOD. The timber company that owns the land has a SHOOT ON SIGHT policy for hogs, the more we can kill the better. The LATEST estimate on their population in Texas is over 2 million hogs. When they stack up under a feeder the FMJ will STACK them up! LOL!

Once Deer season starts I will have 2 clips with me (1) with 150 partitions, and (1) with the FMJ's.
I wouldn't personally use a Sierra 168 grain match King bullet for deer hunting , but I have seen it done.It killed the deer dead as a hammer.
Hey TX7mm,
I understand the hog comment in east texas. My old ranch had a ton of them, and it was common to see 100 come into a single feeder. I am not a fan of FMJ for safety reasons and also because I want to usually recover the animal before the buzzards. But, to each his own. Hogs are a real problem, and I fully understand the need and desire to get rid of them. Sounds like it works well for you,

Welcome to the forum.

FMJ bullets on game animals is a controversial topic. Glad you have had success on the hogs.
Don't underestimate the 150 gr PT, it is a deep penetrater.I tested it against the 180 gr PSPCL in a 30-06 and the Nosler 150 gr PT out penetrated the 180 gr PSPCL.

WE have shot alot of vermin and other bigger animals in far and away places while deployed, cause they get into trash and just carry rabies and other bad stuff. We used our 5.56 green tip and 7.62 LC ammo for alot of them. Never seen anything take another step. The FMJ's do tumble and do a heck of alot of damage. I am not a user here in the states, but they do work... Scotty
Interesting attitudes... :)

FWIW, over the past 12 months I have fired over 2000 rounds (in the field) with all but a dozen or so going into ferals including pigs. I am a firm believer in the humane destruction of pests and having seen what target and military bullets do, I will only use hunting bullets of appropriate calibre and weight. I do not mean to preach and that "h" word makes me sound kinda green. The reality is that I'll destroy every one of those F'ers, but I will do it properly. I fire, they drop... and there is a challenge in large numbers of single shot instant kills.

It is my understanding that the match bullets are not really fmj just heavier jacket thickness, I hear people using the Berger VLD bullets for lots off long range hunting, I'll stick with P.T.'s & accuonds. Has any seen what the VLD's do at closer ranges, say under 200yrd's, do they expand at all or punch right thru. I've used matchkings on coyotes to save the hides and had no problems with one shot kills. I would not use them on big game though. Wild hogs that escaped or released from farms are starting to show up here in Alberta, there is a$100 bounty on them. And like everywhere else they are considered pest's, so hunting them is pretty much wide open, no season or min caliber requirements, and getting land owner permission is easier then in deer season.
tx7mm":3qb0eqjs said:
Howdy Yall! Here in East Texas we are OVERRUN with wild hogs. I have a Rem. 742 30-06 and have been have GREAT success with the old military M2 ball 150gr. FMJ load. This rifle shoots them very well, plus they are $10.00 a box! So far I have killed 6 pigs with 3 shots! Saturday June 20th I killed 3 pigs with 1 shot. They all dropped in their tracks. Once the bullet enters an animal it appears to tumble doing extensive damage. Yesterday I killed 2 pigs with 1 shot, The second pig caught the bullet in mid tumble. There was a fist size entry wound behind the sows shoulder and it wrecked the spine. Needless to say she dropped in her tracks. The boar that the bullet hit and passed thru first ran less than 50 yards.
Hope this info helps.
.........I can understand your joy in killing 6 hogs with only 3 shots. You must have had a good shot, at the right time, with a good angle, where three of them were all lined up pretty good. But, I prefer one bullet per hog. Makes the hunting fun and stalking last longer and is more interesting.

For my one bullet per hog kills, I recently started using about 4 months ago, the 30 cal 168 gr Berger VLD hunting bullets (SSTs beforehand), for the big hogs from my 300 WSM compact @ about 2825-2875 fps. In terms of utter wound channel devastation and the immediate dropping in their tracks effect??? You ain`t seen nothin yet until you use a Berger (hunting) VLD. Only a small few have ran more than 10 yards after the hit.....However, I do wish they were only $10 a box!
Hey tx7mm
Can you do us a favor and see how many you can kill with a single E-tip you of your .06? :grin:
and recover the bullet and post pics? :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
Pigs lined up at the feeder. Hey that's would be even better then waterjugs! :grin:
These LIL' piggies came out. This LIL' piggie,HIT the ground! :grin: This LIL' piggie looks like ground round :shock: . This LIL' piggie ain't in ONE PIECE! :shock: And This LIL' piggie is goin B B Q ing at MY house! :grin: LMAO! Will be willing to try the E-tip if I can get'em for $10.00 a box. LOL! :lol:

Try Shooters Pro Shop for some factory seconds.
