30-06, Nosler 180 Partitions with IMR4451


Nov 23, 2013

This is my first loading with IMR 4451, and first shots after being away for a while. The third, fourth and fifth shots seem to group fairly well but the velocity was a little less than I had hoped for. More testing with the IMR 4451 is in order..
I use 4451 for 180 AB's with good accuracy. No copper, but the stuff is still dirty.
2700 or so is still considered "standard" for a .30-06 with 180's. Mild velocity assists with good bullet performance re penetration and hanging together.

Sure looks like you've got some good accuracy going... The horizontal stringing may not be load related. Your vertical looks TIGHT.

The Hodgdon Reloading max is 2750 fps with IMR 4451 and a Sierra (cup and core) bullet. That was 55.5 grains.

If I were you I would feel very comfortable loading up to 2750 or 2775 fps if your case can take any more powder. Each lot of powder is different, and the velocity is a good indication of pressure. Also, the limit on the 30-06 is 60,000 PSI. If I get up to 62000 or so PSI that doesn't bother me. I don't push the throttle too hard, but I like to get the powder into a pressure zone that burns efficiently. Evidently that's around 60000 PSI or even higher for some powders.
Rol_P":2zqddjkg said:
The third, fourth and fifth shots seem to group fairly well


Did you run a couple of fouling shots first or were shots one and two through a clean barrel?

Keep pushing up as Joel mentioned Rol, then tweak for seating depth if needed. You don't seem far off at all. 2750-2800 shouldn't stress a darned thing out.
This is my first try with the IMR 4451 in the 30.06. 165 grain Sierra SPBT.
I haven't had time to try it again.

I am interested in hearing your results with the 180s.
Looks like it's got potential.

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Second round of 4451 with 180 PT yielded a nearly 3" group with 4 shots.
I made two mistakes, cleaning the barrel and jumping the load to give me an average 2,734fps for the four shots.. Sooooo, guess that I blew that round.. :( Back to the drawing board and maybe a ladder test of sorts to see where groups appear and disappear.. Then play with seating depth although with a comparator oal of 2.695" my cartridge oal is running 3.306" - 3.309" very close to Nosler's published oal of 3.310"

How often do you users of IMR4451 clean your barrels? Is it after so many shots or when accuracy deteriorates?

More to come... Rol
Rol, you're changing too much at a time to know where the goat is. Run a ladder or OCW at Nosler's book. Then, play with the depth to get the final load.

I had to play a little to get a good load with 4451 but it was definitely there.

I clean my barrel after every range session using Wipeout if I'm not in any hurry. It's clean overnight. If I am in a hurry, I use Boretech Eliminator and clean it up. If I'm testing multiple loads at the range, I'll clean between OCW runs to keep everything the same.

Today was a beautiful day to go to the range, except for the 15mph cross wind.. I tried a ladder test of sorts with the IMR4451 and 180 Partitions. The results are pictured above, (if I have done things correctly). It looks like the sweet spot lies around 55.6gr of IMR4451, which should put me near the optimum barrel time of 1.228ms as provided by Kraky1 back in March when I was playing with H4350.

I fired only two shots of each powder charge except for the 56.9 when I pulled one shot and had an extra load to add in.

If my chrony readings are correct, I believe this will give me approx. 2,725fps. which I can gladly accept. Any thoughts and observations will be most appreciated. Rol
Your Standard deviation is 29.77079....I prefer single digits
Thanks Fotis, is the SD over the 1.9 range of powder charges? I would hope for better when I settle on a specific charge..
Rol, it looks like you have a great spot to start with that charge. I'd some of your more accurate seating depths and see what happens.

This morning I used once fired Nosler cases with Federal 210 primers, 56.6 gr of IMR4451, and Nosler 180 Partitions to do a seating depth ladder test. As shown in the picture, 2.695" Comp. OAL yeilded a 1.5" group and 2.710 Comp. OAL yielded 0.960".. Velocity pretty near equals Federal factory 180 loads in my rifle. As time permits I think that I will retry the 2.710" Comp. OAL and maybe tweek the seating depth either side in 0.002" increments.

The targets were shot round robin to spread the fatigue and fouling aspects of the test. The barrel was cooled after each three shot string. Comp. OAL of 2.720" is about 0.004" off the lands.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Rol
Your results are certainly telling. The velocities are very good--a 180 grain Partition at decent velocity delivers a mighty blow to any game animal. Encouraging results.
Rol, just my opinion but I'd wonder if 2.710 isn't more of an anomaly since the others are showing 2-1 out. 2.695 looks pretty good and is likely where I'd be working shorter to see if it pulls in with small increments.
Happy 4th fellas, and Thank You to all you Veterans. Next week I will be able to load small increments shorter than 2.695 to see how they pan out..

Thanks for all the suggestions. Rol
No problem. Good luck. Take pictures and you just might be done quicker than you think.