30-06 or 444


Dec 2, 2010
Well deer season is less then 2 days away. I am trying to make the big decision. Take the 30-06 that has been on every opening morning for the past 22 seasons or the new to me 444 that I have never hunted with???? What one would you take???

The 30-06 will have 180 b-tips loaded while the 444 will have 265 Interlocks ready to go.

Looking forward to getting out this weekend with my dad. I hope he can get a nice buck.
I brought both my new guns to deer camp this year. Used the 30-06 opening day and the .308 on Sunday. So I say bring them both and decide Friday night. Good luck with your opener. It's my last chance to tag a buck this weekend.
Alternate, start with the '06 and then the 444 the next day.......
A friend of mine likes to tell the story of the year that the only deer he saw was the one that was standing there when he stepped out of the out house. Now, reportedly, he keeps one in the out house. :shock: :grin: :grin: You could use 'em both. Not that Id recommend that... but it makes a good story. Good luck!! CL
Well while I have a bad case of ".444 envy" I would vote for the .30-06 as there is nothing like the familiarity of an old friend like that one.

.30-06 is my "go-to" gun for about everything. So I am probably biased.

Good luck either way, looking forward to pictures!
