30 06 using 165 ballistic tip with W 760

Sako hunter

Sep 30, 2007
Has anyone had any success using 165 BT using W 760 as a powder charge. I normally using IMR 4350 but want to try something different. If you all have any ideas that i can check out. Thanks for your input.
Sako hunter

Welcome to the forum.
IMR4350 is always a good choice for the 30-06.
Other powders to consider are RL22, H4350, and IMR4831 or H4831SC.

Thanks for the welcome JD338. You are right that those other powders do perfom well. I have been using W760 for my 180 gr Partitions and am quite happy with the results.( ie Dead Moose) So i thought that i would throw the idea out there and look for a starting point with W760 for my 165 gr Ballistic Tips and 165 gr Partitions. Cheers
From the pages of RG #5

165 gr
WW 760 Start 52.0 grs, MAX 56.0 grs.

Good Luck!

You can check out the very limited data on the Hodgdon website regarding Winchester powders for the 30-06, but I can tell you that it appears that 760 may be a tad slow for the 165gr, as it is only generating in the range of about 2700fps for the two loads they show. Perhaps other data can give better results for 760, but without my manuals handy, I'd be willing to bet that you can better that velocity with a slightly faster powder. The Hodgdon data shows much better velocities for other powders (2850-2925fps max charge velocities), so I suspect you can do better with a different powder. (Heck, I get 2725fps out of a 185gr in my 8x57, and you're probably able to duplicate that with your 180gr loading in your -06, so why step down in weight with no gain in velocity?) Good luck.
w760 and h414 with magnum primers can give great accuracy and velocity with 150gr and 165gr weights in the 30-06. killed a large cow elk with the 165gr ballistic tip h414 and CCI 250 primers. though w760 and h414 are different powders, they are very simular. both are ball powders in nearly the exact same place in the burn rate tables. i had good results with w760 when h414 was not available locally. i could not tell the difference between the powders in the field or range
Sako hunter":1cw55dai said:
Thanks I am still using RG # 4. Looks like i need to find a new manual. Cheers

The Nosler RG #6 will be available in 3-4 weeks. :grin:

I've used a lot of Winchester W-760 with both 165gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips and 165gr. Speer Spitzer Boat Tails over the years. In fact a hunting buddy still uses 165gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips with Winchester W-760.

Larry in SD":5fgmigfs said:
I've used a lot of Winchester W-760 with both 165gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips and 165gr. Speer Spitzer Boat Tails over the years. In fact a hunting buddy still uses 165gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips with Winchester W-760.


..........and I'd bet it kills like lighting! 8)
