30-30 170gr Deep Curl


Dec 24, 2006
Here is the results from the 170gr Speer Deep Curl. This was shot out of my M94 30-30 at 2300 FPS with LVR powder. It is a pretty accurate load as well. I can pretty easily hold a 1.5-2" group at 100 with the Williams peep. Anyhow, the recovered bullet weighs 162gr's. That is pretty awesome in my book. I do have to say it is the most impressive (cool) mushroom I have seen in awhile. Anyhow, I may look at trying some more of the Speers Deep Curl's in the future. So far, the 45-70 and 30-30 have been pretty impressive. I would like to see what the 160 or 175's look like out of the fast 7's, or the 180's out of the 308's. Scotty






And a video...

It was shot into jugs at about 20ft from the muzzle or so. Bounced off the back of the 4th jug. Seems pretty good to me. Think it would have gone a little further if I backed it off a little more but I like to torture them a little. Scotty :twisted:
Somehow now I'm feeling sorry for your Marines... :grin:

But only a little...
Guy Miner":1jw4kmcc said:
Somehow now I'm feeling sorry for your Marines... :grin:

But only a little...

Don't feel sorry for them a little. I torture myself along with them! Marines always push to do just one more! Scotty
Looks like a good bullet for that use. There was certainly good performance and penetration.
FOTIS":1fpjcrsb said:
That is elk worthy!

Yeah, I would think so as well Fotis. It is a great shooting load and a real pleasure to shoot. LVR powder is pretty awesome in the 35 Rem and 30-30 so far. Can't see much reason to try much else. Scotty
CC, that recovered bullet (from moose) looks pretty good to me as well. Scotty
That is very nice mushroom. By the way correct my ignorance, what is LVR powder?

C.Smith":3kt930ml said:
That is very nice mushroom. By the way correct my ignorance, what is LVR powder?


Corey, LVR is Hodgdon's Leverevolution powder. I'm just too lazy to type it out all the time. Scotty
Ok great thanks. You are seeing good things in the 30-30? Sadly the 30-30 is the only cartridge i have never loaded for. I'm going to have to change that.

Corey, the 30-30 is alot of fun to me. No better rifle to practice off hand shooting with and heck, it'll hunt well too. I'm loading mine with the 170gr Speers at 2300 and so far, it seems very accurate. Find a nice 30-30 or 35 Rem and have some fun! I love mine. Scotty
Thanks I actually have my dads Marlin 336 30-30 that I killed my first deer with. I just need start loading for it.

C.Smith":3korozvg said:
Thanks I actually have my dads Marlin 336 30-30 that I killed my first deer with. I just need start loading for it.


I would bet your Marlin will be even more accurate Corey. If I were you, grab some Winchester cases, some LVR powder and any 170gr bullet you want, and load them up. It is a blast and really doesn't use a whole lot of powder. Heck, if you can find them, look at the 150gr BST for the 30-30 as well. That is supposed to be another tough bullet. Scotty
Just when I thought what most bullets are you have to drop the BST? Sorry for the ignorence. You have me excited to start loading for it.

C.Smith":3n91pteu said:
Just when I thought what most bullets are you have to drop the BST? Sorry for the ignorence. You have me excited to start loading for it.


Sorry buddy, the BST = Ballistic Silver Tip! Scotty