300 bee


Ammo Smith
Dec 13, 2013
So I am now adding the GF 300 bee to my reloading list. Figured I would start with the 180 AccuBond and Partition.
Any pet loads you would recommend would be appreciated.

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I would start with 78 gr. of H-4831 with an AOL of 3.560 and work out. As you probably know the Weatherby Rifle has a longggg freebore, so there is lots of room (wasted space) . My dads load was 81 grains of H-4831 in his, with an AOL of 3.580. Weatherby's can be temperamental and may be difficult to get 1" loads, but of course that's not a necessity for killing elk or deer.
Scotty has some great loads for his boys 300.
It's been a while since I have had a 300WBY so don't recall the grains of the load but IMR7828 was the powder with F215 primers and WBY brass. 7828 works well in all WBYs from 257 to 340.
I've had several very accurate loads with 300 WBY rifles.

84.5 g IMR 7828/CCI250/180 g AB

75 g IMR 4350/CCI250/180 g Swift Scirocco

76 g H4831SC/CCI250/180 g Hornady IB

These three loads all yielded sub-MOA loads at good velocities.
69gto":2lpliftu said:
It's been a while since I have had a 300WBY so don't recall the grains of the load but IMR7828 was the powder with F215 primers and WBY brass. 7828 works well in all WBYs from 257 to 340.

My experience as well. It's where I would start.
4831 and 4350 is what Ed had to work with when he developed the 300 Bee. When I had mine I loaded 4831 with Hornady 180gr IBs and it would shoot 1/2" groups at 100yds. the load wasn't the fastest but was the most accurate. If I had one bullet to use it would be the Partition.
Here is what my son's (Bill father's 300 Wby) loves.

It's runs 3060FPS out of his rifle and is insanely accurate. I know you asked about 180's but I never really messed with them in this rifle. 83 grains of 7828SSC, Norma cases and CCI250's. There is nothing I wouldn't hunt with that load.

If I was running 180's, I'd probably push to 85-86 grains as long as the mag will take. I imagine you'll find something pretty quick. Good luck.
Thanks Scotty, I need to make some time. We've deer hunters in until Wednesday, then pheasant hunters until elk season.

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salmonchaser":27oqrr12 said:
Thanks Scotty, I need to make some time. We've deer hunters in until Wednesday, then pheasant hunters until elk season.

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You're definitely staying busy! Will you get much time for your own hunts?
I'm not going to get much, I'll take a week for elk hunting, that's about it.

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With my 60 year old Model 721 rebored to 300 B , I was getting group sizes of .624, .862 and similar with the following. Weatherby cases, CCI mag primer, 180 gr Seirra or 180 Nosler Partition, ahead of 78 gr of H-4831. AOL was 3.580, it would not shoot the 180AB under 1.25 inches.
Well dang, I just picked up some 180 AccuBond to try out. Hers is also built on an old 721.
If they don't work I'm sure I'll find a use for them.

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