300 Blackout for Black Bear


Jul 3, 2007
I go black bear hunting almost every year in Maine with my father and brother; it's become a tradition over the past 10 years. In that time I've taken two bears with my .308 using 150gr PT.

I haven't been that happy with the accuracy of my rifle though, and am considering switching to the 300 blackout for my AR. As we hunt over bait, shots are usually 25-50 yards. I've dropped both of my bears at the barrel, and have managed to break the front shoulder / leg both times.

I'm wondering if the 300 blackout is enough "gun" for black bear. I would have to drop to the 125 gr AB and the energy would be a little over half of the .308. The 308 bullets have always broken the bone and exited the other side, and I'm worried that the 300 blackout wouldn't have enough power to do the same.

I'm interested to hear everyone’s thoughts and experiences.....
IMHO bullet placement will be the key factor. We have been using the blackout for about 2 years now. A hunting buddy just shot two pigs with one shot to the head. It went thru the first ones and a portion went into the second ones head also. But we are using 210 Bergers. Distance was approximately 40 feet.
I don't know what kind of velocity you are getting out of the 300 Blackout with 125s but I have been using the 125 Nosler ballistic tip for a number of years for deer hunting. I have learned that if you keep it below 3000 fps impact it does just fine. I use it in my T/C Contender pistol which has at 14" barrel in 30-30AI caliber. It will average 2670 fps at muzzle and I have shot 7 deer with it from 25 to 125 yards thorough both shoulders and I have never recovered a bullet because all have been exits about the size of a golf ball.
I use this bullet in my rifle in 30X47 (made on the shortened 300 savage case) at 2850 fps and in my 308 Win at 3000 fps. 99% of the time a deer does not even take a step after receiving one. I did not know that Nosler made a 125 AccuBond but from my experience with the 130 AccuBond out of my 264 Win mag it should be a good bullet for your purpose. By the way the 125 ballistic tip is a GAME bullet not a varmint bullet.
Black Bears are easy to kill with proper shot placement.
I think you would be fine with the 300 AAK Blackout and the 125 gr AB but IMHO, it is on the light side.
The 308 Win with the 150 gr PT is excellent and tough to beat.
FWIW, I killed my first bear with a 30-06 150 gr PT through the shoulders.

...worked up one .300 Blackout hunting load for my nephew in TX...

...150gr. GrandSlam// 16.5gr. Lil'Gun// 1900fps// 1200ftlbs// COAL 2.050"...

...works fine out to 100yds, past that yer running out of vel/ energy, you could probably work up a load w/ the PT by reducing by 2grs. & working up in 0.5gr. increments...
wildgene":2q878wtr said:
...worked up one .300 Blackout hunting load for my nephew in TX...

...150gr. GrandSlam// 16.5gr. Lil'Gun// 1900fps// 1200ftlbs// COAL 2.050"...

...works fine out to 100yds, past that yer running out of vel/ energy, you could probably work up a load w/ the PT by reducing by 2grs. & working up in 0.5gr. increments...

Did he take any game with it Gene?