300 h&h


Sep 27, 2007
This caliber has been calling to me of late. Has anyone played with one and can give their take. I already have a 300 wm model 70. It seems the ruger #1 might be the most economical to step into this caliber. Will it make me downgrade the 300 wm or will it sit in the back of the safe when I take the 300 wm hunting???
The 300 H&H is a grand old cartridge. In a bolt gun, the cartridge tends to chamber so smoothly that you will wonder if it actually chambered. Ballistics for the round are similar to the 300 WM, generating only slightly lower velocities. It is a fun round to play with. Simply using such a classic round is justification enough to own a rifle chambered in this cartridge.
I have owned a couple of Model 70 Alaskans for about 30 years that were chambered for .300 H&H. I killed one, no drama, bull elk with a 180 Partitions loaded with 67.0 grs of IMR 4350 at 2950 fps and probably a dozen or so deer with the .300 H&H, 165 Partitions and 69 grains of IMR 4350, Mag BR primer at 3150 fps or so out to 350 yards. All were without drama, one shot kills.

The .300 H&H had a long-term lock on the 1000 yard match score record at Wimbelton matches since the mid-1930's that only finally ended after running for probably 30 years. It is a serious hunting round which is just a little longer than usual. They do feed really slick in a good quality bolt action.
The .300 H&H sure seems cool to me. I've had several .300 Win mags over the years, and currently have a .300 WSM. Used to have a .300 Rem Ultra Mag as well. All the .30 cal magnums seem like fine hunting cartridges...

But I have to admit a .300 H&H in a Ruger Number One is a wonderful thought... I almost walked out of Cabelas with one last summer...

I must admit that I've never even shot a .300 H&H, but the brass looks so cool... And of course I think very highly of the Number One.
The older I get, the more I like the 300 H&H.
I never shot one but I can only imagine how smooth those rounds must feed through the rifle.

I still think about a brother for my 721... picking up a Sporter or Supergrade M70, shipping it off to redneck on the 24HCF forums, and asking him to work his magic. The only problem would be he lack of Winchester factory rollmark on the barrel.
That is what got me thinking about the 300 h&h, I was holding a ruger #1 cabela's 50th anniversary in my local cabelas this past weekend. I really don't think it will be any better than my 300 wm but I have to admit the 300 h&h cool factor is off the charts. 8) 8)

I realize I would also be going the opposite direction of everyone else these days with the short mags I would be going to the long mag. Unfortunately I think that is only adding to my desire to have one. I was really surprised by the amount of factory ammo for it available at my cabelas.

I like the idea of the ruger #1 but I also think I am rendering one of the best qualities the smooth feeding from a magazine less effective in the single shot.
Ahhh the dreaded double post!! :oops: Need to work on my trigger control. :lol:
My dad and I have matching 721's in 300 H&H and absolutely love them! Incredibly versatile round if you hand load. Also as mentioned before very very smooth and accurate! I have no idea how many animals we've taken with ours, but it's a bunch....

Buy one, I don't think you'll regret it. And if you do, I'm sure there are several folks on here that would take it off your hands.... :mrgreen:
I bought a Ruger #1 in 300 H&H about a year ago and it quickly became one of my favorites. For one all around rifle this could be it. I installed a Leupold FXIII 6X and the eye relief is just right. Out of the box it was shooting around 1 MOA at 100 yards. I have had LW 30/06 with more recoil than the Ruger #1 300 H&H IMO. IMR 4350 powder has worked best for me. I like the looks of a round nose bullet so I loaded up some Sierra 220 gr RN. and it only shot about 3 inch below where the 165 gr bullet shot at 100 yards. In my area there is heavy timber to the west and high desert to the east. The Ruger #1 300 H&H is just about perfect for my needs.
I think the #1 was made for those long rounds - especially the tapered ones. they seem to load themselves. The best rounds for any "hand fed" rifle are the ones that just slide in with a little help from gravity. Look at all the favorite double rifle cartridges. All one has to do is try a fast reload on one of these rifles and you'll surely appreciate the 300H&H. I wouldn't turn down a classic model 70 in 375H&H though :)
Just so happens I have a custom 300 H&H which I received as a gift from my cousin. (Since I am not good with computers and picture posting, :oops: if you go back to Dec. 16th (page 8 in the current archives of this site) look for my post, "A new pair of rifles" where you will find a photo of said rifle).

It loads as smooth as the others have said and shoots with the reputation of all the 300 H&H's I have been around and aware of. The only draw back to the caliber is the price and availability of the brass (almost double what 300 WM are, if you can find them).

The rifle is a real shooter but heavier than what I prefer now that I am getting on in age (74). Unfortunately for the rifle, I also have a custom 300 WM that is lighter and that I much prefer to carry. Both of my 300's are great rifles and chambered in also great calibers, I just happen to like the 300 WM better. The H&H sits in the gun safe most of the time.

My son is patiently awaiting his inheritance. :mrgreen:

I thought I already posted this, but I don't see it. Talk about trigger control.

My Father had a Model 70 in .300 H&H, that he killed everything with. One time I seen him shoot it out the pasenger window of the Stock Truck, with one hand. He was shooting at a Coyote, but he hit right under him. I don't remember the glass, but it was some fixed power, with the same sized bell as the tube.
I had asked Aleena ( Africa Huntress ) about a rifle for my wife and she recommended the 300 H & H.
Fortunately for me my uncle who has collected guns all his life had a couple and he gave one to my wife. It has to be the smoothest chambering, easiest shooting rifle I have ever seen, very nice. Both aleena and my uncle have used it for Deer, Elk, Moose, Caribou, sheep, goat and antelope and in Aleenas case I think Red Stag and African plains game.

It is a very nice rifle and we are looking for another one. you will not be unhappy if you get one.
If the 300 H&H was a little more available, I would have jumped all over one of them for my 30 cal magnum. I love the look of the H&H stuff and in a proper M70 I think it would have made an excellent rifle. Heck, someday I still might get an H&H in a Ruger or something since I have the 300WSM now. I love the classics. Just something about them that is really cool..
You won't regret it. I have a No.1S in 300HH. Its just a safe queen, I haven't shot it although they are great guns. I have several others that I shoot and this one will get shot in time but for now I'm happy with just having it. I did pick up a few boxes of ammo from Nosler's clearance for a great price, so at least I have no excuses when I do want to shoot it.
I am another one who liked and got a 300 H & H. I would still use it but I have been unable to get back from my wife. They are just great all round guns and wont regret getting one.