300 RUM / 180 Sciroccos / Retumbo


Dec 24, 2006
Figured I’d try the 300 with some of my favorites, the Swift Scirocco.. I just loaded up single rounds to get an idea where I was at for speed.

So with the Magnetospeed on I recorded these.

I was even more surprised to see how well they laid down on paper though.

Hoping I can make quick work with this load.
Looks really promising so far. It's hard to imagine a better 180 gr bullet to try in that big RUM than the Scirocco. That target looks really good especially considering it different powder charges.
That rifle wants to shoot!

I don’t think I want to be the one shooting it! For sure effective though!

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That's a whole lot of promise. Looks like you could pick any of those charge weights and be thrilled with the results. Great shooting Scotty.
Here were a few groups through the 300.

94 grains



So, in full disclosure I loaded these with my young cousin and meant to seat them at 3.730 and mistakenly loaded them to 3.830. I measured them and everything when I set the die up, knucklehead! I just disregarded the 8....

I was wondering why they wouldn’t fit in my magazine when I got to the range. I single fed them into the gun anyhow just to see how they looked.

Anyhow, I’m pretty sure I’ll have something worth hunting with the next time out.