300 Weatherby Loads


Nov 17, 2005
Recently picked up a vanguard in .300 Weatherby. I tried a couple combo's and 1 shot ok, the other shot very poorly. First I tried 180g SST's with IMR-7828. I was getting 2"-3" groups at 100 yards. Velocity was running 3150-3250fps. Next day I tried some 180g NBT's with RL-22 and shot a group of .7" at 100 yards with 81g of RL-22. Will have to shoot this load a few more times to see how consistent it is. Did not crono RL-22 loads. Hopefully there around 3200fps.

Anyways, just curiuos as to what some of you guys load in your 300 Weatherby. I want mine for an all around rifle, mule deer, elk, black bear, that will primarily back up my 7 RM. Want to stay in the 180-200g range for sure.

I need to get a Timney in this thing. Trigger is horrible. I somewhat adjusted it, but the creep is ridiculous. That cheap synthetic stock sure isn't any better. Not a real good butt pad and no weight back there really lets you know when you squeeze the trigger. I think it kicks more then my old Rem 700 LSS in 300 RUM.

If it will consistently shoot 3/4-1 MOA with a new stock and trigger, I"ll be more then happy for what I got into it for a back up rifle.

Good to see you are around!
Congratulations on the 300 Wby. Great all around round. Keep us posted on your load development.

You are on the right track with RL 22 in your 300 Weatherby Mag.

When I got my Remington 700 Classic chambered for the 300 Wby Mag I had a good supply of old surplus H 4831. That was great powder in that gun and several other magnums I had at the time. Alas, it is all gone now.
The closest thing I found in performance was RL 22.

I tried IMR 4350, H 4350, IMR 4831, IMR 7828, etc. But none gave me the over all good performance of RL 22. (That is to say good groups and velocity with consistancy.)

The load I shoot in my rifle is over max in the latest Nosler Manuals, but can be found in any number of older reloading books. I shoot Weatherby cases, Fed 215M primers, 82.5 grains of RL 22 and the Nosler 180 Partition. In my 24 inch barrel this gives over 3150 fps and consistant groups around 0.70 inches. This is a hot load and you should work up to it, but I have fired LOTS of them in my rifle with no problems and good case life.

In respect to cases, be forewarned that if you try this load in Remington brand cases you WILL have to reduce the powder charge! I get the same velocity in Remington cases with only 81 grains of RL 22.

I recently found another great load for this rifle, but not by choice. California is instituting an ingorant ban on lead bullets in most of the state so I have been messing with the Barnes TSX bullets in some of my rifles.
Both of my 30 caliber magnums really like them! (300WSM and 300 WBY MAG). My 300 Wby Mag shot a group of 0.27 inches using Wby cases, Fed 215M primers, 84 grains of RL 22, and the Barnes 168 grain TSX. The velocity was 3238 fps.

Have fun with the 300 Wby Mag. It is one of my favorites, I am taking mine elk hunting in New Mexico again this fall.
I have had the best luck with 82 grs of IMR 7828 in my dads M700 classic and RL 22 works quite well as well with the Nosler 180 pt. good luck with your 300 Wby.
IMR 7828 always worked best in my .300 Wby with 180 gr. bullets. Didn't seem to matter which 180 gr. bullet either. Accuracy and velocity weren't as good with RL22. H4831sc worked quite well also.
THe loads I settled on in my Winchester 70 using Wby brass was 77 gr IMR 4350 CCI 250 primer and 180 gr. Partition. 24" barrel at 3145 fps. With Remington brass same bullet and primer 80 grains RL22 at 3150 fps. I went up in velocity but gave up accuracy . You're right about Vanguard triggers, I just changed mine to a Timney because the factory trigger wouldn't adjust worth a darn. Very, very happy with the Timney.
Good luck on your loads. The 300 Wby is one of those inherently accurate rounds that gets fantastic when you feed it what it wants.
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:
Four powders have produce under and inch in my 300Wby and all with good velocities. MRP, IMR7828, RL-22 and H4831sc
RL 25 is also great.

And glad to see you back Remmy.
Thanks for the info guys. Seems like 7828 is THE powder for most 300 Weatherbys. I think I might try the 180g Btips with the 7828 and see how they fare. If its anything like the 180g SST's w/7828, I"ll know my rifle probly doesn't really like 7828. I always have RL-22 on hand for my 7 RM anyways, so I would probly rather have it shoot RL-22 better. Fewer powders on the shelf and to buy! I"ll probly also try the 200g AB over RL-22/7828 as well, since I have the bullets and powders. Would sure like to get a good 200g AB load going 3000fps. Good elk medicine...
I'd be willing to bet you could approach and likely exceed 3100fps with a 200gr pill, but accuracy may be at a lower velocity. The 300Wby is a real gem - that's why it's the next thing on my list!
I have used the 300 bee for 12 years now. I have the Mark 5 26" brl. H-1000 is the best all around in my gun. I worked up a load last year when I got the Look out Mt rifle tag for Deer. H-1000 83.0 gr. Hornady brass or Weatherby. 200 AB Vol. was 3020. Very high BC .588 had the scope dialed out to 600 yd. Also 180 gr. TSX bullet with H-1000 88.0 gr. 3200 FPS with .25 group at 100 yd. RL-25 has given me the most FPS but not as good groups as H-1000. I do have a 200 GR Grand Slam load with RL-25 that rocks. 3145 PFS. 85.0 gr of RL-25 Rem case.
I am now trying Retumbo with some good results but nothing yet to post.

Hornady brass has been very good to me in this Cal. I loaded up some 180AB for a friend last year using Nosler Brass. Very nice brass also. Funny it matched Weathery by weight and water test. :lol:
I tried a few loads with the 200g AB. Very minimal testing with each powder just to get an idea. I used RL-22, IMR-7828, and H-1000. I just picked 1 load for each powder and called her good.

In this pic you will see the 180g SST/81g RL-22 load and the 200g AB/81g H-1000 load. The 180g SST load is just a load to try and duplicate the 180g NBT load I've already had quite good succes with. The 81g H-1000/200g AB load needs some work...Velocity is only 2875fps and horrible vertical...


In this pic you'll see the 200g AB with 78.5g RL-22 on the very left and 83g IMR-7828 on the upper right. Velocity with RL-22 was 2875-2900fps and once again, bad vertical...I think I found me a winner with the 200g AB and IMR-7828 though!!!! 3060fps and a nice little triangular group of .5". I like it!! This 200g AB load is only shooting 15fps slower then my 180g NBT load with RL-22, talk about a LR thumper for elk/bear.


This pic is of the rifle with the stock just painted by myself. I used KRYLON camo spray paint, with tan and olive green as my 2 colors, and also a matte finish clear coat. I used the olive green for my base coat and then used a branch for my stencil and used the tan over the stencil. For where I live and hunt this blends in very well. For my first paint job on a stock, I"m very happy with it. Looks a lot better then black...

Nice paint job Remmy.
The 200 gr AB load is there. You have yourself one fine looking/shooting back up rifle.
