300 WM Accubond Ballistic Tip 180 grs


Oct 22, 2009
Hi everybody !

I'm searching a load for 300 Winchester Maggnum with 180 grs AccuBond or 180 Ballistic Tip. I used the Vectan (TU7000) powder similar to N160.

Barrel: 10"

OAL: 84.81 mm
Care: 66.30 mm

AccuBond: 1.380"
Ballistic Tip: 1.360"

I'm french, thanks so much for your answer. :wink:

Welcome to the forum, happy to have you here.

If you have access to Allient powders, go with RL 22 and don't look back.

300 Win Mag
180 gr
RL 22 75.0 grs

Start low and work up.
This load has shot well under MOA for in in 3 different rifles and also for many others. It is what I call the "magic load".

10" barrel?
What are you loading for?

Normally I would agree with JD. If you don't have access to Alliant powder, TU8000 seem to be much close to RL22 in burn rate, and it might be a better starting point for a rifle.

With a 10" barrel, the faster powder might work better. I was unable to locate any Vectan specific load data, but here is some Vihtavuori load data:

http://www.vihtavuori-lapua.com/pdfs/Re ... -Guide.pdf
Thanks JD338 !

Thanks for your answer, I keep it !

If somebody get reload with Vectan powder, I't wiil be perfect
Regardless of powder used, a 300 Win Mag with a 10" barrel is going to have an impressive muzzle flash and fire ball.

The Vectan NobelSport Handloading Manual #4 lists 70.2 grains of tu7000 as a maximum charge with 180 grain Spitzer soft point bullets for a velocity of 2940 fps and a pressure of 49110 psi. This is a small increase in charge weight over that found on the web.

I agree that this sounds low. However I'm reading the data from the Vectan Manual as recorded on the RCBS.Load data. It lists it as psi. It is interesting to note that 71.8 grains of tu8000 is listed as generating 49180 psi. In the 200 grain spitzer soft point, 73.8 grains of tu8000 is listed as generating 49800 psi. Even if this were CUP, it would be exceptionally low. The data for the 30-06 Springfield, shooting 180 grain RNSP bullets uses 54.3 grains of tu7000 to generate 13950 psi.
Hi Everybody !

Firstly thanks so much for all your answer.

I 'm sorry I mean 10" twist barrel (56 centimeters), CZ 550 Medium rifle in 300 WM. (for hunting)

In Nobel and Vihtavuori reloading table it's Speer or Nosler Partition bullet, it's not Boat-Tail bullet like AccuBond or Ballistic Tip !

The bullet is more longer (1.380" for AccuBond and 1.360" for Ballistic Tip)
so less powder, OAL max: 84,84 mm.

Thanks for your answer !
I forgot !

The AccuBond was for CZ 550 Medium rifle in 300 WM Barrel longer: 56 cm with 10" twist.

The Ballisti Tip was for Mauser M96 rifle in 300 WM Barrel longer: 61 cm with 10" twist to.

Dr Mike you said:

"The Vectan NobelSport Handloading Manual #4 lists 70.2 grains of tu7000 as a maximum charge with 180 grain Spitzer soft point bullets for a velocity of 2940 fps and a pressure of 49110 psi. This is a small increase in charge weight over that found on the web."

So for a Nosler 180 grs bullet (Boat tail) I put less powder ?

Use the data in the Vectan manual for the 180 grain spitzer. Reduce the maximum charge by 10 percent and work up in increments of 1 grain to ensure that you do not have a pressure issue.

Unfortunately, there is little use of Vectan powders in North America. Perhaps some of the European readers will be able to provide data. Have you tried communicating with the manufacturers of Vectan powders?