300 WSM Nosler Custom brass?


Jul 19, 2009
Does Nosler have any plans to produce 300 WSM brass? Timeline? I figure since the Nosler Custom rifle is offered in that caliber it should me any day now, right?
What .. no Nosler employees on this forum? Come on, you can tell us...we promise not to tell anyone else! Don't make me have to go ouy and buy Norma brass :wink:
Decided to call Nosler and find out for myself. They are making 300WSM brass for their ammunition, but not for sale. Reason: they don't want to get caught up in the Jamison/WSM lawsuit. Not familiar with Rck Jamioin? He's the greedy b*stard/ex-gunwriter who used his influence with STW to hype up the WSM cartridges, then sued Winchester/Browning claiming he patented the design. Win paid him off, then went out of business. He's the one to thank for WSM brass and guns costing more.
Not to start an argument, for one I have not read all the things I need to but....

If Rick Jamison did in fact have a patent, trademark, etc... on a short mag(s) like some have said then he would not be any of the dirty words you just called him. Especially if they fit the WSM cartridges that came afterwards.

Instead it would be Winchester who deserves the dirty words would it not? Just throw in thief between dirty and the other word you used.

Again, I have not read through all the patent papers nor the law suit so I have no room to judge either party.
No appologies necessary, I'm not one to start an arguement on a forum. Truth is, i don't have any probably never will have all the facts. I have read the patent and it is pretty vague and could apply to a number of cartridges, I didn't find it specific to the WSMs. The timing of the filing of the patent was also suspect as it appears to have come out just berfore they where released.

I guess what really gets me is that if every wilcatter filed a patent, what would happen to new cartridge development? Would rounds like the 6.5-284 every have become standardized? I always thought that wildcatting was an open ownership deal, free for everyone to benefit? Who knows, maybe I'm just really upset that some manufactuers are shying away from the WSMs for fear of being sued?!?I guess like everything else it's wait and see.
This has been discussed ad nauseam on a number of forums. Though we may never know the full story, Winchester did blink when confronted with the prospect of a suit. There was obviously a reasonable probability that they would lose, likely due to promises that were made and unfulfilled. Of course, every wildcatter is free to patent what they make, if they can demonstrate the uniqueness of their concept. You will notice that Remington did not shy away from the SAUM cartridges which were a similar concept. Neither did Lazzeroni avoid making their short cartridges. This would indicate that there was another factor at play in this situation.

In the interim, you will find that Norma brass is very good indeed. I use the Norma WSM brass (.270 and .300) for all my hunting loads. It gives good service and is excellent brass.