300 WSM


Aug 26, 2013
Worked up loads for my Winchester model 70 300 wsm, 24" barrel. Started with 150 gr NBT and then 150 gr E-tips, both with Varget. The Ballistic Tip are shooting okay, still some work to do, but the E-Tips are another story. Worked up to 58.0 grs of Varget at 2.800 OAL, (.130 from the rifling) CCI LRM primers and Win brass. This was the best group.


So I shorten them to 2.780 and shot this. Also shot the NBT on this target.


I have no pressure signs, so... on the E-Tips, should I increase the powder charge, play with the seating depth some more or both? Or try a different powder, I have IMR 4350, 4451 and Hunter.
Any thoughts?
If standard deviation is under 1%, try shortening the jump to the lands. I normally work with the E-Tip in a variety of cartridges at 0.100 inch from the lands. Occasionally, I find that I have to go to 0.070 inches or even 0.050 inches. Seldom have I ever found it necessary to go to more than 0.100 inches for accuracy. All this assumes that I am working with a low standard deviation.
I load for (3) 300 WSMs and none of them shoot well with fast powders like Varget.

I get my best performance and accuracy with slower powders like Hunter, MRP and R-19. YMMV
I don't load anything but H4350 in 300WSM with 150 - 165 grains bullets. Might get someone to QL the 150 Etip with H4350 and see what it predicts.

IMR4350 or 4451 will do too.
I had some good results with RL 15 and 150-165 gr bullets so if you have some it would be worth a try. Any of the other powders you have would be worth a look as well.
To be certain, medium burn rate powders work well in the WSMs. However, I've had very good success with H380 and 165/168 grain monolithic bullets and with H100V and 150 grain bullets. Some of the faster burn rate powders yield better accuracy.

An old, and under-appreciated powder that was once THE powder for accuracy loads in several well known cartridges.... Interesting that you brought it up Dr. Mike.

With the .300 WSM, I've had really good results from H4350, but I'm not using 150 grain bullets, preferring to go heavier in that rifle.

Regards, Guy
For accuracy with monolithic bullets, H380 does deliver the goods, Guy. Consequently, it still delivers commendable accuracy in the 308. IMR8202XBR is another powder that has given me fine accuracy in the 300 WSM.
I will be following this thread with interest as I too am working on a 300 wsm load with 150 etips/TTSX/gmx.
Thank you everyone for your input. I think I will play around with the seating depth a little more and if that doesn't work change powders.
I'd be looking at a new powder for the sole reason that you should be closer to 3300fps than what you are getting. My dad is getting 3025fps in his Sako finbear 30-06 with the 150 etips.
Yeah, I wasn't looking to push it real hard to start with, but I read on previous posts here on the Forum that the 300 wsm does best at higher pressure. I was planning on using the 150 gr ET for deer season in case my 270 wsm is not ready from the gunsmith.
I don't have QL in front of me but I'd try kicking them faster. Once you get into the higher PSI's you'll probably do a little better with adjusting COAL. I'd bet 3200 shouldn't be any trick with the 300 WSM.

I'm really seeing the Etips like a good amount of jump.