300WSM and pre-64 30-06 range resuts

The good: the Pre 64 .30-06 is clearly a winner. I bet that you are glad that you bought it now! Model 70 .30-06's always seem to be winners?

The bad: the .300 WSM is shooting erratically but at least put two shots out of three shots from a clean cool barrel where you expected them to go! A .300 WSM that will consistently groups 1.2 inches will be a good hunting rifle.

The ugly: I do not know how you protect rifles from rust per se. I do a couple of things, using a shaving brush lightly coated with Gunslick (grease) and oil (Beretta) about 50/50%. I also put a coating of Barrier on all barreled actions with a shaving brush when storing them for any length of time. I have had more rifles damaged by rust from WD 40 than by any other lubricant. I also use a Golden Rod in my safe and check that it is hot every time. Reblue is certainly an option. Did the former owner blue the rifle and not tell you? They often rust if not treated with new bluing.

Hopefully, you just had a bad day and it will all go away? We all have days like that.

Ironically, my dad has always cleaned his firearms with WD40, which I have also done. I have never had an issue till now.

The receiver on the rifle was reblued, it's possible the barrel was, too, I guess. The prior owner was a pretty accomplished gunsmith who is now deceased.

As for the 300WSM....it seems that it's not so much "erratic" as it simply will not average small groups like it sometimes prints. Group centers seem to be fairly consistent.

I don't know....I bought that gun to go out to hunt in any weather and after about any critter I could want to hunt. It shot the loads I ran last year pretty consistently, about the same as the RL19 loads I am working with now. I have a box or so of that still made up (H4350 and same bullet). I might shoot that and see how it does.
Tom, the important thing about the WSM is that it shoots into the same group each time that you shoot it. You have not fired a lot of rounds through that rifle yet and it may still be breaking the barrel in? I have bought several rifles that took about 100 rounds before they settled down and sarted shooting their best groups for that particular rifle.
I have kept a round count on that rifle. It is just shy of 170 rounds....I'd have to check my notebook to know the exact number.
Run some Iosso or JB's Bore paste with some Kroil Tom. Clean the tar out of it. The compounds will also smooth it out some as well. If you haven't ever done it, be warned, it is going to push a lot of gunk out of a barrel you might have thought was clean.