.308 165 grain ballistic tips


Aug 20, 2020
SPS has them in stock as of now haven't seen them for a few years.




Why are we left with getting blems once in a blue moon or nothing.

There is absolutely no way Nosler is "making as many as fast as they can"

No way in hell.

Present day you've got Berger, Barnes, Sierra, Speer, Hornady not to mention some outliers like Lehigh, etc
Yet somehow nosler never has anything in stock. At least the important ones they don't.

Less shooters than yesteryear...
More product sle6ection industry wide
All things that should enable Nosler to have a spectacular inventory yet their inventory is worse today than I can ever remember.
It's not even like the inventory is tight or even lean.
Their catalog in particular the popular sku's is simply a ghost town.

There's just nothing there.

We all like their goods but it's really bad when you just can't get anything.
Who cares how they perform present day as folk lore does nothing for the present.

Can't enjoy what you can't get.
"Why are we left with getting blems once in a blue moon or nothing."
My thoughts are they god bullets (non-blems) are going in Nosler's ammo and out to other manufacturors for use in their premium ammo. That's about the only thing that seems to make any sense to me.
Paul B.
"Why are we left with getting blems once in a blue moon or nothing."
My thoughts are they god bullets (non-blems) are going in Nosler's ammo and out to other manufacturors for use in their premium ammo. That's about the only thing that seems to make any sense to me.
Paul B.
And I might buy that if this were the 90's....



There are tons of ammo mfg's out there. Certainly a lot more than yesteryear. Hornady has their own line. Sierra making ammo now.
Less hunters today than yesterday...
More ammo selection...yet we can't get the very thing that put Nosler on the map to begin with. Bullets. Regular bullets that aren't blemished or seconds or swept off the floor.
just simple brand new Ballistic Tip bullets in bread and butter calibers.
30 cal 180
7mm 140
270 130

We can only speculate to the why but the fact remains simple SKU's that should be readily available aren't!
SPS has them in stock as of now haven't seen them for a few years.

That's a good bullet. Gosh, between my 308 & 30-06, I've used them to take cow elk, black bear, mule deer, whitetail, pronghorn antelope and probably something I've forgotten. They're accurate and work great on game.

How do these compare to the AccuBond bullet?

Luis, sorry, just saw this. The Ballistic Tip and the AccuBond have a lot of similarities. Often their external shape is identical or nearly so. However the key difference is that the more expensive AccuBond has the jacket & core bonded together, making it a stronger bullet, less likely to fragment. Typically the AccuBond expands very well, but hangs together.

It's interesting to me though, that I've seen the Ballistic Tip, the AccuBond and the Partition retain similar weight percentages and produce similar penetration results. The Partition often penetrates a bit deeper, but has often shed much of the tip section by then. They're all good bullets. I'd happily use the Ballistic Tip for deer & smaller, the AccuBond & Partition for deer & larger game.

Regards, Guy
I will grow old before I see another 225, .358 PT again. Doubt they will ever produce them.
I emailed Sierra last fall if they were still making this bullet and the answer, I received was yes, they were but only every 3 years and it wasn't on the production schedule at that time. Hopefully soon. Nosler doesn't seem to be making any 358 bullets much either or just using them in their own ammo. Dan.
Funny, too, because Speer isn't making the 220 HotCor either. I think you can still get the GameKing in 225.
Email from Speer last year stated they had discontinued the 220-gr bullet. Fury bullets started making a 220gr 358 bullet similar to the Speer but seems softer from my unscientific jug test comparisons. It still held up well and will be good for deer. Didn't get the opportunity to use it last fall, maybe this fall. Will report if so. Dan.
I've only shot one animal with the 165 gr. AccuBond. A cow elk at roughly 100 yards. The cow went maybe 30 yards and expired. Bullet hit the right side at the short ribs and stopped in her left lung. No exit would so I think the bullet was in the mess of that lung. Bullet was not recovered. She did require a finishing shot. I'd have no problems using that bullet. Rifle was a 30-06.
Paul B.