338 Range Day #2

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
This happening fast since I installed the rifle in the new stock and I do believe it is done.
Here's the results of a new seating depth test with the 210gr PT and R17 powder.
I did adjust the elevation between groups to achieve a 200yd zero and the adjustments between each group is very visible and consistent.
The .025" seating depth group was fired from a cold fouled barrel.
I don't think it is going to get any better then this for this bullet powder combo.


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I can't see a single reason to even try as the .025 is a pure winner and will serve you well.
OU812":1788dh4x said:
I can't see a singlereason to even try as the .025 is a pure winner and will serve you well.

Agree. I'd load a LOT of those and practice at the range with a good .22 and the .338, then take it hunting.

Your bench-testing days may be over. Other than zeroing it at whatever distance you choose. Time to go prone, sitting, kneeling and standing. (y)

Guy Miner":2movq3kx said:
OU812":2movq3kx said:
I can't see a singlereason to even try as the .025 is a pure winner and will serve you well.

Agree. I'd load a LOT of those and practice at the range with a good .22 and the .338, then take it hunting.

Your bench-testing days may be over. Other than zeroing it at whatever distance you choose. Time to go prone, sitting, kneeling and standing. (y)

Yep I'm going to get a pack of cheap paper plates and take it to 200yds.
I need to give credit where credit is due.
Scotty and Dewey were the men behind the scene in this bullet load work up I just assembled the ammo and shot it.
These guys have been my brain trust threw all my load development with the 35/AI, 7mm Rem and now the 338Wm.
Along the way I have also taped DrMike and Fotis for info.
Scotty saw a mechanical problem early and I told him it felt like the barreled action was trying to come out of the stock. So I tried to fix it which helped some but not enough for me and just made for good reading.
I kept taking the action out of the stock to work on the stock and would put back together torque all the screws down and shoot it. It never dawned on me to check the torque of the action screws till I did a ladder test and had taken my torque wrench with me and checked the screws half way threw the test and found the screws were backing out. Thinking loctite would only be a get me by fix I decided to get a new stock that wouldn't flex.
The new stock cured the problem and the rifle came to life showing what it could do with the right loads and workup.
Every rifle is an adventure and can be like a fickled woman at times not knowing what she wants. :wink: :roll: :lol: :lol: :grin:
Guy Miner":3g1lpbmh said:
OU812":3g1lpbmh said:
I can't see a singlereason to even try as the .025 is a pure winner and will serve you well.

Agree. I'd load a LOT of those and practice at the range with a good .22 and the .338, then take it hunting.

Your bench-testing days may be over. Other than zeroing it at whatever distance you choose. Time to go prone, sitting, kneeling and standing. (y)


BINGO!! Guy stole the words right out of my brain there. TD stuck with it and sorted the issue out. After seeing how consistent it was after the stock instal I knew he nailed it down.

Great shooting buddy. I'm very happy you've got it sorted. That 210 Partition at over 3000 is ANY animal in NA and probably anywhere else's nightmare. Flat shooting and it will hit ridiculously hard.
OU812":beaotpcv said:
I can't see a single reason to even try as the .025 is a pure winner and will serve you well.

You're done IF reproduce-able :mrgreen:
Got back to the range today to verify the velocity and load. I guess I wasn't suppose to go today since I broke one of my sky screens and couldn't verify the velocity but I did shoot it anyway and the load repeated poi and group size with in a 1/16" so it is good to go. :grin:
Now I need to order a new set of sky screens. :x
The little tabs in my skyscreens for my shooting chrony broke recently, got brittle with age. My wonderful wife Kelli just whipped out the clear Gorrila tape and, Viola, these babies are better than new. I would be lost without her, believe me. :grin: :grin:
Looks like the 338 is ready for whatever you decide to put in the crosshairs..
Take Care
AK7AN":1f4vo5th said:
The little tabs in my skyscreens for my shooting chrony broke recently, got brittle with age. My wonderful wife Kelli just whipped out the clear Gorrila tape and, Viola, these babies are better than new. I would be lost without her, believe me. :grin: :grin:
Looks like the 338 is ready for whatever you decide to put in the crosshairs..
Take Care
Thanks for the tip I'll have to find some, maybe walmart carries it or lowes.
The 338 is ready to go I did a recheck today with the same load and it repeated fairly close to the same size group and poi. The poi was more of a concern then the group size but it is very consistent now in the H-S Precision stock.
That has to make you feel great. You can't beat it when a rifle shoots consistently.
SJB358":1gopolgv said:
That has to make you feel great. You can't beat it when a rifle shoots consistently.
Yep it is a confidence builder for sure.
I also shot some 200gr Speers that I had previously loaded for testing and changed the seating depth to match the 210gr PTs and they did a nice cloverleaf at about 1" below the 210s so they will make a good white tail load or just some cheap range practice.
I don't plan on changing the scope settings for them since the 210s are shooting 3" high at 100yds. can't wait to take it out to 200yds and do some field shooting.
It would be nice to reach out and touch some ground hogs with it but all my old farms have been developed so that's out. :(
Ha! Those 200's will hit mighty hard! I like it!

Good deal. Even with a 3" high at 100 zero you are point and shoot to 350 or so. Probably 9-12" low at 400. That's a death dealer of a load TD. Congrats on sticking with it.
SJB358":10f9huhu said:
Ha! Those 200's will hit mighty hard! I like it!

Good deal. Even with a 3" high at 100 zero you are point and shoot to 350 or so. Probably 9-12" low at 400. That's a death dealer of a load TD. Congrats on sticking with it.
Thanks for putting up with me Scotty with out you and Dewey it may not have come together. I just did the ground work and listened to what you guys said.
Besides Who said and Old Dog can't learn new tricks :?: :roll: :lol: :lol: :grin: