338 Takes 2..Moose


May 18, 2009


Hi guys, shot both cow and calf with 250 gr Partition's at 200 yds, never new what hit them!..we hunted hard, and the moose weren't moving that much, we had the 1 morning with a nice frost, and that's when I connected with the cow and calf.
We came home with an unfilled bull tag, but thats the way it goes sometimes. I took many more pics, but had the camera on video mode by mistake, they turned out awefull, thanks and good hunting to all!..Lou :grin:
Great job, Lou. I have just a couple of days to connect with a moose. Since it snowed last week, the game has begun to move. Your pictures will motivate me to dig out the woolies.
Good job Lou. It's to bad that the tags weren't given out to be able to take both the cow c/w calf if the opportunity happens, in Alberta any way. You know the calf is not going to survive so it might as well be a someones freezer than a wolf's belly or worse just plain starves to death.
Great eating Lou! What part of Ontario were you hunting? I love Northern Ontario for fishing and moose hunting!

Congratulations on your moose> Way to go.
Ya just got tp love the 338 250 gr PT. :grin:

All that and you got to hunt in a breathtakingly beautiful place to boot. Congrats and thanks for sharing the pictures.
Great job on the moose! I too would like a chance. Here in Montana it was year number 33 IN A ROW for me for applying for moose, sheep, and goat without any success. Next year I guess! :twisted:
Here in Montana it was year number 33 IN A ROW for me for applying for moose, sheep, and goat without any success.

Man, that is tenacious. Hang in there. Do you get preference points when you aren't successful?
Dr. Mike, we DO NOT GET PERFERENCE POINTS, ours are called BONUS POINTS. They accumulate each year and each year you buy a bonus point if you want when you apply for a tag. What that does is put your name in the hat one more time to be drawn. It really is only a feel good measure and it does raise a few more bucks for the FWP as they really do struggle in most states with funding. EVERY HUNTER who is serious always buys the BONUS point for the $2.00 or whatever the amount is, which isn't much and I have purchased those religiously as well, but with EVERYONE getting them my odds of being drawn really do not go up.In Montana if you draw a moose, sheep, or a goat license, you have to wait 7 WHOLE YEARS AND THEN YOU CAN APPLY AGAIN WHICH IS A BUNCH OF CRAP! These need to be ONCE IN A LIFETIME LIKE EVERY OTHER STATE HAS THEM. There is just too much demand for these very special tags, and with the limited amount of these animals and the amount of people who would love to draw a tag, NO ONE DESERVES MORE THAN ONE sheep, moose, or goat! :evil: Anyone who says otherwise is honestly just being selfish. I would like my son and others to have a little bit better chance of being drawn and someday getting to hunt before they cannot even climb the mountains any longer. By making this change will it dramatically increase my odds of getting drawn, NO IT WILL NOT, BUT IT WILL INCREASE SLIGHTLY, AND FOR ME THAT IS ENOUGH! I have seen too many people draw multiple goat, sheep, and moose tags. It wasn't that many years ago that they even changed it to make you wait seven years before you could apply again, and I knew and heard of people who drew back to back sheep tags, moose tags, or goat tags before they made that change! :twisted: I still know too many guys who are drawing multiple times, and it's not right and it needs to be changed, and changed now. Last year my taxidermist buddy knew personally 5 guys who drew ram tags in various parts of the state. Out of those 5, 4 of them were on their SECOND RAM TAG! I pesonally knew 2 of the guys so I can verify what he is saying. I know a guy who drew a ram tag for Petty Creek near Missoula and got a nice ram. Eight years earlier he had gotten a 193 B&C ram up Lower Rock Creek that had 43" horns on both sides with 16 1/2" bases. That was his first year he was eligible to apply again, and he did. Now you tell me if that is not messed up the the tenth degree! As we speak, I am writing letters and getting others to do the same to try and get something brought up in a bill in our legislature to put this on the ballot in 2011. We have a congressman who feels the same way and who will help us with this if we can get it started.

Now I do think for Mountain goats it should be one and done as they are issued as an either sex tag because sometimes it is very difficult to tell a nanny from a billy and besides, a nanny with that long hair is just as beautiful as a billy. In fact, some of the longest horns ever on goats have been from nannies, but their populations just cannot support having too many nannies taken out of the populations so having extra tags for them would be bad. The herds and the little guys (lambs) both depend on them to be the matriarchs too much and cannot get by if they get taken out to a large degree.

Now on Moose and sheep, the populations are healthy and to keep the balance in the herds, a certain number of ewe sheep and cow moose need to be harvested as well as the trophy or bull tag. My idea on those two is this. A hunter can apply for the trophy tag or the non-trophy (female) tag each year. Whatever he decides he wants to do. If he draws either of those tags such as a bull moose or trophy moose tag, then he would have to wait three years before he could apply for a cow moose tag. If he drew the cow moose tag first, he would have to wait three years before he applied for the trophy tag. Once both of those tags have been drawn, whether successful in harvesting an animal or not, he is done putting in for moose FOREVER IN MONTANA. We need a pool of hunters who will help to harvest some of the cows and the ewes and by doing it this way it keeps a pool of folks who would love to do it to help out the herds and be just as proud and as happy to have a nice fat (trophy) cow moose in their freezer to eat. I like to shoot a large animal once in a while like most of us do and I sometimes don't fill my tag if I don't see the animal I want, but I am not strictly a trophy hunter. I love wild game meat and want to do my part to keep herds in balance, and give someone else a chance at a huge buck or something. I want to share with others what we as sporstmen and women have worked so hard to achieve so we have the habitat and the amount of game we now have today. It is because of folks like us, and this does not include the Humane Society of the United States, PETA, or other groups like that. If they only spent a fraction of what they do on lawsuits and the other crap on wildlife projects like sportsmen do then they might have a modicum of a chance to speak up just a little, and a very darn little! :cry: So you Montana folks on this wonderful site write your letters and e-mails to the Montana FWP offices and your congressmen and senators and lets see if we can make this right after so many years of it being wrong. This is not just for me,but for any of us, in state of out of state who want to try and draw a hunt here in Montana for one of these wonderful animals. Thanks for reading this and I'm more than open for ideas if someone has one.

David 6mm Remington
Game management is always a challenge. I suspect that it is more hunter management than game management in the instances with which I'm familiar. Best of luck in drawing a tag next year, Dave. I do believe that were it not for hunters, there would be no big game in many of the western states, to say nothing of the return of game to many other states.
David 6mm - wow - you've got some great ideas. Trying to work with a big government agency can be very frustrating, but it seems like some of your ideas could be adopted to improve things. I suspect we ought to move this to a "game management" discussion so as not to take away from the original post about the two moose hanging courtesy of a big bad Nosler bullets.
Wow, congrats on the moose! I have just loaded up some 250's for my 338WM, so now I just need to find a moose in Va!! Man, I wished I had a feezer full of moose meat! I am pretty jeaulous right now! Scotty
257 Ackley":2gvi7amt said:
Great eating Lou! What part of Ontario were you hunting? I love Northern Ontario for fishing and moose hunting!

Thanks guys :grin: ..we hunt in WMU 15A, its been 25 years at the same camp, about 3 hours NW of thunder bay, just north of Ignace, there's 2 cabins there, the owner also hunts with us, we only pay $ 200 each for the week 8) ..Lou
That is a BARGAIN! Man, you would have the whole forum up there for 200.00 a week. Heck, the moose meat is worth that much! Scotty