338 Win Mag 200AB/210 PT's


Dec 24, 2006
I took old faithful out today, just to check my known good loads. I have two pretty decent loads, one using the 200 AB and RL19 and the other using the 210 PT and RL19.

The 210PT's shoot pretty well, not varmint rifle accurate, but these were shot at 200 yards, and seemed to go pretty well.. Those run over the chrono about 3075 with 76.8 grains of RL19, WW cases, and CCI250's. It is a hitter of a load, and I gotta tell you, I wanna run one of them into an elk soon!

The other load, is what I carried last Fall, 76.5 grains of RL19, CCI250's and WW cases. That load runs about 3040 outta my rifle, and is a touch more accurate than the 210 PT's, but really not enough to make much difference for me.

It is pretty nice that both of them shoot relatively close to POA out to 200 yards at least. Anyhow, just wanted to throw these up, the 338 doesn't get much press, as it is doing well with those two loads, and hopefully, that old rifle will get to draw blood at my hands soon! It has earned it!
With those loads, you are set for most anything you would need a 338 WM for.
Nicely done Scotty.

Either of those will put the smack down on any elk that walks this planet. Fine loads and great shooting, man.
Thanks fellers. With the Swaro on top and those two loads I'm prepped for some more range time. Looking forward to stretching them out some.
SJB358":lcey2444 said:
With the Swaro on top and those two loads I'm prepped for some more range time.

Actually, I'd say you're prepped for darned near anything you come across!

And all this about the Swarovski is raising a curiosity I didn't know I had... :shock:
Those groups look like they would work just fine for varmints. Scotty when you do hit an elk with either of those loads it's not going any where but down.