348 Winchester 250 grain Alaska Bullet Works 2325 FPS


Dec 24, 2006
A good buddy sent me a handful of these and asked to try these out and compare them to the 250 Woodleigh. I never shot them on paper, just shot one over the Magnetospeed and one into the jugs at 25 yards. I was very impressed with what dumped outta the last jug.

.690” expansion and darned near full weight retention seems pretty danged good. To be honest I weighed one before firing and it was 249.7. Didn’t weigh others but I’m pretty sure it won’t lose too much.
These are great bullets, without a doubt. Your results are in line with what I've observed when using these bullets. I used a lot of the 250 grain Kodiak bullets in my .356 Win. They worked very well for me. I still have quite a few of the 160 grain Kodiak bullets in 7mm. I need to work them up for a couple of rifles.
Impressive results for sure. Don't think there would be anything in NA that would have much interest in a fight after taking one of those in the boiler room.

I thought you had used them Mike. Couldn’t remember. I have been using the Woodleighs and have been very happy but it doesn’t stink to have options. I don’t know how accurate they are as I haven’t shot any of them at paper yet, but I can’t imagine they’d be skunks.

You aren’t kidding about the thump Jim. 250’s from that 348 is a heavy darned hitter in my book.
The Model 94 in which I use the 250 grain .356 consistently yields 3/4 MOA, which is plenty good for me. I found the Kodiak to be a robust bullet that delivered all I would want.
DrMike":1blulhon said:
The Model 94 in which I use the 250 grain .356 consistently yields 3/4 MOA, which is plenty good for me. I found the Kodiak to be a robust bullet that delivered all I would want.

And that is plenty good enough for me. 2-3x that is fine for me with the 348 with a peep but it has turned in some good shooting out to 200.
That looks super good! Nothing is going to survive one of those for very long.
gerry":2pgsmgvt said:
That looks super good! Nothing is going to survive one of those for very long.

Nope, that’s old school smack down right there.
Can’t believe I don’t own one of those. Believe it or not when I was about 10 years old the local surplus store had a barrel with used 71s just thrown in there.

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Karl at Alaska Bullet Works had a major health issue and
Kodiak-Alaska Bullet Works may be going to a new owner. Details not known.
The Swifts, Hawk, and Woodleigh are still available.
I used 270 gr Hawks with a 348 Ackley Imp Model 71 on moose with
excellent results. Still have a few boxes of Kodiak 348 AK 250 gr bullets left
as of December, 2020. The pre-war Model 71 Deluxe is one of the finest rifles
ever made by Winchester. The 1886 in 33 WCF, and handloaded with the right bullets
will really match most any current lever action deer or black bear rifle.
The Jan issue 1977-of Handloader Magazine will help owners-210 gr Nosler bullets work in this cartridge for the first and last shots in the tubular magazine.
RL 19 and 250 Barnes Orginals have served me well but those Hawks 250’s look great !