350 RM OAL


Nov 8, 2006
Loads for the 350 RM in a Remington 673, OAL is restricted to 2.800 inches, +/- a few thousanths. However, OAL to approach the lands is considerably greater. Is anyone aware of the reason Remington has such a long jump to the lands in this particular calibre? Would there be a significant pressure spike were the magazine lengthened and bullets loaded to within, say, 10/1000s of the lands? I realise that the older 600 and 660 models also did not permit loading out to the lands. Certainly would appreciate your thoughts on this.
Most short action rifles have a mag box shorter than reaching the lands. Not a problem. Seat to the length of the mag box and work from there. You do not have to be near the lands for an accurate load.Rick.
Thanks, Rick. I had already discovered this to be a fair reflection of the shorter magazine length, though I do look for whatever will yield higher accuracy. However, I was primarily curious as to why Remington designed the magazine so short or why they didn't cut a thread off the barrel to tighten the chamber. The same situation prevails on my 358 in a BLR. Contrasting that to the 358 in Rugers, however, indicates that a handloader can load the cartridge to a longer OAL. I haven't been able to measure the OAL in any of the Rugers chambered in 350 RM, however. Again, many thanks.
I have a 700 Classic in 350 and I have a lengthened magazine in my rifle and I can seat the bullet out to about 2.930" I do not know of this give me any more velocity or accuracy but I run my bullets to 2.915 an have no feeding issues.



I do not know if the 600/673 can have their magazines lengthened like mine is

You are stimulating me to go ahead and lengthen the magazine. I had discussed this with my gunsmith some months back. Indeed, I can gain about 0.100" in my magazine. However, I did not extend it previously because I am getting acceptable accuracy with my handloads.

I have a 0.300" jump to the lands with Nosler 225 grain Partitions, even loading my rounds to 2.820", which just fit my magazine. I have been able to get Sierra 225 SBT to shoot MOA, and Barnes 225 TSX to shoot MOA or better. While either would make a good load, I had wanted to shoot Partitions, which just don't give acceptable ballistics, though I am getting good velocity with a variety of propellants. All-in-all, this is a great round and would be excellent for the majority of hunting I do.

This is the only Remington I have. Mostly, I am shooting Winchesters and the magazine allows for loading to a longer COL. Perhaps this is a common feature of Remington design.
Interestingly enough, I do get my maximum velocity with 61.5 grains of W748 and BAR 225 TSX, which I ignited with R9.5M primers. However, I have not obtained the accuracy with that load. Velocity is close to yours (2669 +/- 12 fps) but groups are around 2.5". I do get sub-MOA with 250 grain Woodleigh RN and W748 and with IMR 4064 and 225 TSX. I have a number of loads to shoot this coming week when I take it to the range. I want to settle on a load and take this rifle hunting black bear this spring. I used my 7 mm WSM for all hunting last Fall, and I would like to do something similar with this 250 RM this year.

Thanks for the information on Midway. I believe that the magazine in my rifle is identical to that in the Model 7.