

Jun 13, 2007
One of the posters on the new for 2009 bullets wanted to know more about .416s and I know there are several .416 owners here including POP.

The .416 Taylor was developed by gunwriter Chatfield Taylor to achieve original .416 Rigby ballistics but with readily availible components. It is simply a .458 Win Mag necked down to .416. Mine has a 23" barrel and easily launches 400gr bullets 2350fps and shoots 1" groups. The recoil is as expected more than a .375 but less than a .458. It will launch barnes 300grs over 2800fps and loaded this way shoots as flat as a .375 but seems to do alot more to the target. It was John Wooters favorite DG cartridge as well as Bill Ruger's. John Kingsley-Heath was a huge fan as well. Ruger produced some 77 MKI rifles and some #1 rifles in this cartridge and Bill Ruger kept one for his personal use. The runor was that Ruger would produce rifles and Winchester would make the ammo. Winchester went off on another tangent trying to develope its own .416 and the whole mess fell through. It is an easy cartridge to load and proper headstamp brass is readily availible. relfex264

The next chapter will be loading it and the .416 Rigby. :lol:
Thanks, it was me that asked about it. I was under the mistaken beleif it was a 8mm Rem mag wildcat, albeit is close to the 416 rem in performance. These massive 41 calibers must be alot of fun to shoot, give ya a bit of a tap back after the trigger breaks anyway :lol: I'm a little surprised at the accuracy of such a big bullet. Thanks for the info.

Both my Taylor and Rigby are pretty accurate. Both of them love the 400gr Partition as well. The Rigby when pushed will bite you. I backed it back down to 2500fps and it is tolerable but it will kick you. H4831 with the 400 in the Rigby seem to be its favorite powder. Talk about watching the level in the powder measure fall. :shock: It eats powder. THe Taylor seems to prefer IMR4320 and IMR3031. This is consistent with Taylor's load with IMR3031 and Wooters load with IMR4320. The Rigby likes Federal 215 primers while the Taylor prefers CCI250 primers. reflex264