45-70 loads????????????


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
Name them! Any bullet any powder!

Please list bullet, powder, primer accuracy and barrel length!!!!!!!!!!

Thanx. :eek:
Try this pop.
Win Brass
Fed.210 primer
400 gr. Speer FN Bullet
52 grs. IMR 3031
Vel. should be about 1800 fps or above depending on barrel length.
Nail driving accuracy from a 1895 Marlin with a 22 inch barrel.
For the 450 Marlin i use Hornady brass and cut the load to 48 grs. of IMR 3031. Vel. for the 450 is 1730 fps shot over the Pact Chronograph.
I will be trying some 460 gr. cast bullets this weekend and some Nosler
300 gr. next week.
300g Hornady HP, RP case, Fed 210 primer. NEF handi rifle, I believe has a 22" bbl. 2000fps and shoots really good at 100 yards, 3 shot 1" and 5 shot 1.5". Good enough for what its designed for anyways.
POP, what type of 45-70 do you have??? A friend of mine has a Sharps Pedersoli, so he has to be careful of pressures. Is yours a low pressure are one that will with stand high pressure loads?
CCI 200 primers
50 gr H4198
350 gr Hornady FNSP or 350 gr Swift A-Frame
2040 - 2080 fps from 22" barrel Marlin 1895
(Swift bullet was slower, Hornady faster w/same powder charge)



The Swift is on the left, the Hornady on the right. Both bullets recovered from water-filled plastic milk jugs shot at about 20 yards. I need to get around to messing with Nosler's 300 gr Partition...

I also liked Reloader 7, with either the 400 gr Speer or the 405 gr Remington FNSP bullets... 45-49 grains depending on your recoil tolerance... :grin: Killed a mulie just fine with the 45 gr load and the 405 gr Remington. Now who would have thought that was enough bullet for a deer??? :grin:
It sure would be nice if Nosler would give us a 400 gr. or 450 gr. FN for the 45-70 and 450 Marlin.
Richracer1":11f7ibm8 said:
POP, what type of 45-70 do you have??? A friend of mine has a Sharps Pedersoli, so he has to be careful of pressures. Is yours a low pressure are one that will with stand high pressure loads?

I am getting a Marlin but configuration unknown (guide gun or 22" bbl?)
Here's what my friend has developed for his Pedersoli Sharps 45-70 (low pressure loads):

Remington 405 gr. JSN
49.0 gr. I 4895
Fed 210, WW case
crimp at cannelure

350 gr. Sierra JHP
56.0 gr. I 4895
Rem 9 1/2, WW case

300 gr. Barnes TSX
46.0 gr. I 4198
Fed 215m, WW case

The first load is the one that grouped into 1/2" at 100 for three shots.

The others are respectable with a peep sight, and under 29,000 c.u.p.
I have a Marlin Guide Gun with the 18.5" ported barrel.

One of my favorite loads is this:

4.3cc Lee Dipper Cup (near 60 grains) of H-4895 powder

CCI 200 primer

Hornady 350 grain Round Nose bullet seated to SAMMI length.

I use a Redding Taper Crimp Die (much better than any other crimp die I've tried).

These loads average 1960 feet per second (chronographed) and shoot < 1 moa. I have the gun sighted in for a 150 yard zero and smile regularly when bullet holes touch at that distance. I use a Burris Fullfield II 1.75-5 variable scope. This is a very handy rig for heavy woods and dense cover. The Guide Gun is a surprisingly accurate rig.