.45 auto anyone load it?


Sep 21, 2009
I should be getting my lee dies in the mail for my smith and wesson 5 inch 1911. That said I would like to have a few combat 200- 230 grain loads that are extremely accurate and will do say 800-1000 fps. I would also like to have a few loads for the 185 that will shoot one hole at 25 yards. I have tried unique and didn't like it. I have bulls eye and 231. Is there anything else that I should try? What has worked for you?
I use 5gns of Bullseye for 200gn SWC cast bullets and 4.3gns for lighter targetloads w/200gn SWCs.
Now you are speaking to my heart!
My son & I both shoot 1911 variations in IPSC so I have a 550 that sees nothing but .45acp.
I don't know how much you intend to shoot, we go through 2000ish a month between the 2 of us so I get 200gr. RNHB moly coated from Bear Creek Bullets. They are the best deal so far, I get them from my dealer at $140 per 2000.
I have had very goog luck with vv310 at 4.9 gr., Tite Group at 4.8 gr. & Bulls Eye at 4.8 gr... All these give me a power factor of 170. I really had no luck with 231 as I found it dirty as well as temp. & altitude sensitive.
Good Shooting!
"Semper Fi"
Win 231 with 230 gr. ball. I don't shoot it enough! To much time with the rifles and the MZ especially lately!!