54 cal PRB vs 50 cal PA conical


Dec 13, 2006
Have an upcoming elk hunt and sorting through my existing rifle options.

Couple questions:
1. For 54 cal PRB is there a velocity to achieve or just best accuracy? Have a good charge with 90 grs FFF that gets me 1710 fps

2. I have a short barrel 50 cal that with 80gr FFF PA conicals, I got 1600 fps. Ran out of powder, before getting a good ideas of groups, but a respectable velocity from a 21 inch barrel. Seems the heavier 50 gr conicals would be similar to the 54 cal PRB for elk shots?
For an elk hunt I would want my prb to be traveling as fast as possible along with the best accuracy possible. The prb is a deadly killer. I would leave the conicals at home.
Probably the most dedicated muzzle-loader hunter I know always uses round ball and real black powder. He's taken more doggone elk, bear and mule deer with that combo over about 30 years...

I went with the "Great Plains" conical as it shot better from my traditional T-C White Mountain Carbine. It worked well, but it hasn't been out of the safe except for mild cleaning in about ten years.

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If you have the eyes for using open sights 125-135 yds are very doable for a .54 prb deer no problem elk might want to stay closer to 100yds or so. Dan.
I just installed a Lyman peep sight on my Great Plains rifle. Roughly sighted in using the iron sites. Will head to the range tomorrow to fine tune.

90grs Triple 7 FFFg with a PRB gives 1815 fps. And a small SD.

Season starts the week of Thanksgiving !!!!
The peep sight really helps me.

This was a 6 inch sticker dot at 100 yds with 3 shots. Then I knocked over 4 steel rams at 110 yds and feeling good.

Season opening Saturday. Snowing in the cascades so getting excited.


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The peep sight really helps me.

This was a 6 inch sticker dot at 100 yds with 3 shots. Then I knocked over 4 steel rams at 110 yds and feeling good.

Season opening Saturday. Snowing in the cascades so getting excited.
Dang. That's excellent accuracy.
I'd be happy with that group from a scoped center fire rifle.
Best of luck to you on the elk hunt.
