

Aug 20, 2011
Is it possible to use 6.5-284 brass to load a 6mm-284 or have they changed the neck on the case like .270/.280. Or would it just be best to get .284 brass and neck down and fireform?
Welcome to the forum. It is always good to see new names cropping up and sharing in the knowledge base for hand loading and hunting. You should be fine to use the 6.5-284 brass if you have it to neck down to 6mm-284. Depending on who cut your chamber, there should be no alteration of the shoulder.

Welcome to the forum.
You can size 6.5-284 brass through a 6-284 and you are set to go. Note that there is some excellent Norma 6.5-284 brass available too.

Yeah, I'd definitely want to use the Norma brass. I've heard reports of the newer Winchester stuff being a little uneven.
Thanks for the info. I was kinda leaning that way because it just seems easier to neck down half a millimeter versus a full. It's a sweet rifle that shoots pretty good haven't been able to play with it much. My grandpa built it for my father. 1943 Jewish 98 mauser with a 26" Shiel heavy bull barrel and a hand carved left handed laminate stock it sure is a pretty rifle.
Give us a picture of the rifle, and perhaps the cartridge, if you get a chance. I'm sure that we'd all love to see what you have.
I have an old Ruger 77 I had built into a 6-284. I start with Lapua 6.5X284 brass and use a redding bushing die to size the cases. Then I run them thru an expander and turn the necks to get a consistent .015" but it is not a tight-neck chamber. Probably overkill, but it shoots great!!! I also anneal the brass after the first shot before I start the resizing process again. I think it will help the case necks live longer after the initial sizing operations.

I think for a hunting rifle you could probably just run it thru a std redding die with a carbide expander plug to minimize neck stress and you would be just fine.
if you plan on running a gut full of powder in that i would recommend the lapua brass. i use the norma in my 30-338 and it is definitly " how the hell do spell definately" softer than my 6.5-284 and 6.5x47 lapua brass. quality is the same awesome just most guys run the lapua brass if they can for the reason if your loading max you will get longer case life out of lapua brass.
I actually ordered some Nosler brass for it as it's already prepped and ready to be loaded no trimming and such. After sizing but a caliper on it and go from there.
A most handsome setup. Thanks for sharing the picture. What loads have you tested? And what sort of accuracy are you seeing?
Pops sent a box of 50 75gr Sierra Hollowpoints with it @ 52 grains of IMR 4350. and it shot under an inch but I haven't been able to do much with it. No time!!! Hopefully this week After my brass comes in I should be able to work some loads and play with it some.
Well I tested a bunch of loads trying to use some old 100gr Sierra GK bullets, @ 46 gr of 4350 I had my first 3 in a .5" group and the next two were .25" higher than the previous 3. Didn't let the barrel cool. The last one though bugged me quite a bit blew the primer out and had me scratching my head. Maybe bad piece of brass. Had to beat the bolt open and then had to force it into the shellholder. Made some other loads with 100 GK and 95 BT for test from other data source and shot a 3 in group with 10 rounds with one each from 40, 41, 42, 43, 43.5 had a slight ejector mark on the 100GK but all others looked great. Loaded up 66 rounds of 100GK and first one was 3 inches high. Made an adjustment and lost it played with the scope. and chased her all over. Got frustrated took a laser got the scope close. Started the next day at 25 yd and got her back but didn't shoot a group ran out of time and was sighting in 2 other rifles. Hopefully will shoot a group on my next days off load up some 95 BT and shoot some groups too. Scope doesn't give that gun justice 4X Bushnell that's about 25 years old. But I definately think she will be a shooter.
That is one fine looking rifle! I have always been interested in the 6-284. I have some 55gr and 70gr BTs along with a bunch of other 6mm bullets if you need a few to sample let me know.