7mag + opossum = mess


Dec 31, 2007
While deer hunting this weekend I let one of my friends use my 7mag shooting 140 grain partitions with 68.5 grains of RL-22. We were sitting for about an hour and nothing was moving. I then noticed an opossum feeding on a gut pile about 100 yards from us. I didn't notice the pile before. (the field was a sloppy, snowy, muddy mess). My friend decided he was going to see what the gun would do since he has only shot a 30-06 before. Needless to say it left a big mess. The bullet didn't open up but there was still plenty of damage. We cut it open to take a look afterwards and the chest cavity was just about empty. I believe the heart and lungs sprayed out of the 7mm exit wound. There was a large red mist after the shot and the snow was covered. I was just amazed at what the gun did to it. I wasn't expecting anything like this. I didn't have my camera or we probably would have taken pictures.

I was told that the deer I shot with this gun earlier in the season had the same red mist behind it after the shot. I have only used 30-30s before this year so I thought this was interesting.

Thank you to everyone on here by the way. I got all of my starting information for reloading from this sight and the gun shoots great with this load.

Welcome to the forum, we are glad you are here.

Glad to hear that RL 22 is working out well in your 7mm RM.
Sounds like you had a good season, congratulations.

Welcome to the forum buddy. I am surprised you found anything at all! :eek:
My wife wouldn't let me take her camera that day so i didn't get any pics. I wish I would have though.

Thanks again for all of the help POP