7mm-08 140gr. Partition


Sep 17, 2009
I traded for a Steyr 7mm-08 today and the only bullets(other than BT's) I could find was Fed. Premium 140 gr. Partitions. Looking for some info on results or performance on stuff like Whitetail,hog, etc. I'll shoot it in the A.M. to see if it likes them or not. Any suggestions on other bullets in that cal. are welcomed. I've had very bad experiences with BT's.

The 7mm 140 gr PT is a tough little bullet and it will work great out of your 7mm-08. I have used this bullet in a 280 Rem and shot quite a few WT deer with it and a caribou as well. Exits are usually the size of a nickel. My sister-in-law has also shot a few black bear with the same bullet in her 280 Rem.

You will not have any issues with this bullet. Let us know how they shoot for you.

I also have had some unfavorable expierences with the BT bullets especially when pushed fast. However the 7mm PAT bullet is great. I will be loading it for my 7mm-08 when I get it this next week. I also use that bullet for my 7mm Rem mag and it is deadly for everything from squirrels to elk. I personally have not shot an elk with it but have a friend who has taken many with the 140gr PAR in his 7mm Rem mag. Several of use use it for deer and pronghorns and the results are just what we want. Quick one shot kills.
I think you will be happy with that bullet in any 7mm cartridge.
The 140 PT will work very well indeed on whitetail and hogs. I wouldn`t be too upset with BTs on those animals. This is a great cartridge.
The more I load for my wifes the more I like it. Shooting 120 BTs for deer and 140 ABs for elk. The PT is a great bullet and would work great in this "little" round.
The 7-08 with 140 NPT is today what the 30-06 with 165 Hornady's was yesterday. You have one of the finest all-around under-rated and under- apreciated big-game cartridges available. It's soft on the shoulder as well.

Certainly, the 7-08 will never reach the popularity of the 30-06, but it could be used in place of many standard cartridges without the hunter or animal ever knowing the difference. Just look at the ballistic twin to the 7-08, the 7mm Mauser, and all the game it's accredited for taking in over a century.
The 7-08 came on sceen as a silhoutte round in the early 80's I do belive... a new cartridge that has the knock down necessary, but easy on the shoulder....

With that said, my safe will never be empty of a 7-08. I've taken elk and mulies with the 120, 140 & 150 gr B-tips. It doesn't matter what I put down the tube they all seem to shoot great !

That Partition would suit you well for pretty much any game here in the lower 48.
I shot the 140gr. Partitions Fri. morning, and they went around 1 MOA, I didn't measure.I didn't feel like my shooting was very good that morning(some mornings are better than others), so I just sighted it in and went on with my day. I've only shot 1 deer w/ Partitions and it was in a 300WSM on a buck hot on the heels of a hot doe. He never knew he was hit until he gave out. I had good shot placement, too. Are the exit holes usually small w/Partitions, or do they typically stay around a quarter-dollar size?
I've only shot one deer with a Partition and that was with a 7mm 160 partiion at 286 yards from my 7 rem mag. The hole was quarter sized but the deer dropped at the shot and all I saw in the scope was white belly hair between it getting knocked sideways and the recoil. I have switched to accubonds for most of my hunting and I think a 140 ab in 7mm08 would be about the perfect bullet for antelope-deer-elk-black bear.
Shot my first doe today w/my new rifle today. I jumped three and I had to sprint about 200 yrds to get ahead of them, so my shot wasn't the best. I hit her right behind the shoulder and high, clipped the bottom of the spine and took out some of the lungs, went two feet, straight down. I had a dime-size entry hole and a quarter-size exit hole without much damage in between. If the spine wasn't clipped, I would have had a runner I think. Do AB's perform any better, or is that about the best to hope for? Some say "a kill is a kill", and I'm thankfull for the meat in the freezer, but my thoughts are I owe it to the animal I'm hunting to kill quickly as possible.
BTs will open more explosively, but they won't kill any more effectively. What sort of damage did you witness on the lungs? The doe dropped because you did clip the spine, but I doubt she would have run far with a hole through her lungs. The ABs will work just fine in your 7mm-08, but there is nothing wrong with the PTs. You can't rule out the fact that you did "sprint about 200 yrds to get ahead of them," and you did acknowledge that your "shot wasn't the best." I doubt that a BT would have put her down any quicker. Give the PTs a chance with some other game, and then draw your conclusion. I suspect that over the long haul you will be very pleased with their performance.

Consequently, congratulations on the doe. The 200 yard sprint and still able to fire is commendable. Good for you for being in decent shape.
Thanks DrMike, I'll stick with them if I can get them to shoot decent. This A.M they were flying all over, we had some pretty nasty winds this morning. I'll try again tomorrow.