7mm 150 gr E-Tip Report

I shot a couple of 150 gr E-Tips into the water jugs at 300 yds and recovered both of them. The first one was a low hit, went through the first jug, entered the second jug and then into the plywood. The bullet traveled 12.5" in the plywood before coming to rest. Expansion is .512", weight is 148.5 grs


The second bullet went through 6 jugs, sticking out the back. Expanded to .511" and weighed 148.4 grs.


This is an excellent bullet for my 280 AI.

I am shooting them in my 280 Remington with Hybrid 100V powder. Getting 2900 fps and accuracy is under 1" for 3 shots @ 100y. But the first few shots spray into 3" groups before it settles down from a squeeky clean bore. :shock: At first I thought these bullets shot like shit, my first group was 3", my 2nd group was 3.5" but the last 2 shots of my 2nd group landed .4" apart. :idea: I shot a third group and it did .82" and I fired one group with H4831sc @ .5" group but speeds were slowwww @ 2700 fps

more testing to come :grin:
my Etip testing is complete

Loaded up some more loads with H100V, 6 rounds each @ 52.5 grs, 53.0 grs, 53.5 grs with the 150 gr Etip (280 Remington Rem 700 24") Went out with the fouled bore that shot so well my last 2 groups this afternoon (last two groups were .8" & .5")

my group sizes :

52.5 grs - 2.9" & 1.3"

53.0 grs - .80" & 1.6"

53.5 grs - 2.9" & 1.7"

It seems the Etips in my rifle have a very small sweet spot for accuracy/fouling. Looks like ten shots where I can depend on it to shoot well, then it falls off big time. Not acceptable in my books, I will move on to the 140 grain Barnes TTSX and see how they work.
I found the accuracy sweet spot for the 7mm 150 gr E-Tip in my 280 AI, .100" off the lands.

Greg Nolan":1b2n05x1 said:

Have you done this test with the A/Bs (I'm sure you must have) how do they compare in expansion and penetration? As you can tell I'm having trouble giving up my A/Bs without a proven substitute but the handwriting is on the wall here in Kalifornia. :(
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:

It's more than on the wall Greg, the CA hunting commission is considering expanding the hunting no-lead ban to state-wide right now, and of course not stopping there, a total and complete ban on any type of lead projectile for any shooting in the future (probably next year).
When the weather clears abit and I can get out to sight in my 7RUM with my 150ET load, I'll go out and perform a real test of the 150ET on a CA hog.
We've apparently got some loonies up here in Washington who want to introduce the California Condor to the Columbia River gorge - and then of course impose the lead-free ammo restrictions on us.

I don't think Washington has ever been home to the California condor...

This lead-ban stuff is really, truly out of hand. I've got nothing against the giant vulture - and nothing at all against all copper or all gilding metal bullets - but dang - seems like decisions are being made with little basis in reality...

Guess I shouldn't be surprised.
The 7mm 150 gr E-Tip is 1.425" long.

FWIW, the 30 cal 180 gr E-Tip is 1.464" long.
