7mm Ultra Mag Load data


I purchased a 7mm ultra last summer for antelope, deer, sheep, caribou and the odd elk as I already have a 338 win mag for the heavier stuff. The more I shoot this gun the more I like it. I worked up a load using the 140 AccuBond. I'll give your recipe a try as I just picked up a box of 160 accubonds. :grin:
So, does Nosler have published reloading data for the 7mm Ultra Mag yet?

jbdre, thanks for posting some data for the 160 grain AccuBond. If there is suggested load data for the 140 grain AccuBond I'd like to get that as well.

On a personal note, I'm enjoying a facination with the big Ultra Mags. I have a .375 Ultra Mag I built on a Winchester Model 70 Action. I'm getting 3140 fps with a 260 grain AccuBond. I had Christensen Arms put one of their carbon graphite .300 Ultra Mag barrels on a Winchester Model 70 action. I'm shooting a 180 grain AccuBond at 3400 fps. I'm now playing with a 7mm Ultra Mag built by Sako. My next project will be to build a .338 Ultra Mag on a Browning A Bolt action. These Ultra Mags are just a hoot to tinker with.
I confess I don't have much experience with 140gr bullets but I will try and find some data for you.
I've never been a .30 Cal fan until a few months ago. I'm a 28 cal fan until again a few months ago.
The 300RUM has changed my mind.....what an awesome piece of machinery!
The 300 RUM has totally impressed me with its accuracy and raw power it delivers downrange when using at least a 200g bullet. I never woulda thought something this big could deliver small groups way out there.
I too am interested in any load development nosler is doing. I have had a 7 RUM for three years and have only used two different powders.
Retumbo and 160 AB's had worked well for me with good vel and accuracy out of my 700 BDL stainless synthetic. I ran out of Retumbo and decided to work up a load with some Wc 872 I had for my .50 BMG. I have found it to take about 4 gr. more to reach the same velocity as the Retumbo. 3300 fps. is as fast as I have ran my 7 with no signs of pressure. I am a little leary of temperature senstivity when I'm dealing with almost 100 grains of powder. I know things can change quickly when close to max charges. Will Nosler's info be available on-line or do we have to wait for the new book?
I own a remington model 700 sendero chambered in 7mm Remington Ultra Mag and I absolutly love this cal. nowh I wouldnt recommend it to a person who doesnt reload or a novice reloader by no means. in this rifle I am able to push a 150 Grain Nosler Ballistic tip out the muzzle at 3500 fps loaded with 96 grains of Hogodon H-1000 powder. For a person that reloads and has proficient knowledge in reloading this is an outstanding rifle with EXCELLENT potential and would highly recommend it over the larger cal.'s any day :)
The 7mm RUM is awesome! Impressive velocity with high BC bullets make hitting long range targets simple.
I have used Retumbo with the 160 gr AB, the sweet spot seems to be between 93.0-94.0 grs for a MV of 3300 fps+.

I have both and I do like them both. Mine are set up differently though. My 7mm rum is a sendero LR rig. My 300 RUM is a rem AWR light and svelte!
The RUM fans have spoken. Me too. The 7mmRUM is perfect for deer and antelope. Flat shooting with good wind bucking in 160 AccuBond. A antelopes worst nightmare in 140 gr. Amazingly I found that my 140 gr load at 3500 fps and 160 gr load at 3360fps have the same point of impact at my 300 yard zero point. I can hunt antelope and deer and even elk with the one rifle. Note. A 160 gr bullet at 3350 fps makes a 7 mag look kind of anemic in comparison and last I heard the 7 mag kills elk pretty handily.