7mm wby mag load


Apr 16, 2007
Hi there, I was asked about this load, and could not tell if my PM went through. Watch this one as it is the max load in the book.

For the WBY. I use 4831. 66.0 gr, and 3.389 long. I get around the book 3080, depending on the break being on or off. I tend to keep the length just under the length of the magazine. I am loading for 3 wbys. 2 shoot touching groups, another was stolen and it shot touching groups as well. the third is still pretty new, but it is shooting a group that you cover with a dime. Using 160gr AB.

The powder and AB shoot so well that I have not even tried ballistic tips. But I do need to work a load for non-lead. Just have not started yet.

Hardpan: PM did make the trip, I appreciate your sharing the loads you've developed for your 7 B. I plan on using the 160 AB and possibly the triple-shock 160 g for Elk in Idaho in a couple of months. Hope I will have time to work up a decent load. I thank you again for your reply and best of luck to you this season. Shoot straight. And "Pop"...I'd like to thank you again also for the info that you sent me too. I did find out I could neck size the 7 "B" with a 7mmRem Mag neck die with out touching the shoulder of the Wby case. Again thanks to you guys for your help. Will let you know how the loads shoot and if any Elk fall in Idaho.