9.3x62 Mauser Seating Depth


Dec 19, 2007
I recently acquired a CZ 550, 9.3x62 Mauser. I want to load a 286gn Nosler Partition with Viht N140 powder and Fed 210 primers. I have tried to find a good Overall Length for this round. I tried using the instructions with the Nosler reloading book. Nothing consistent to be measured. I understand that all rifles will be different, but if you could assist me in the intial length, then I can "tune" on my own. Factory box of Noslers cost about $120 a box. That is why I am reloading.

I appreciate any assistance,

CPT-Bob":2ibtze7e said:
I I have tried to find a good Overall Length for this round. I tried using the instructions with the Nosler reloading book. Nothing consistent to be measured. I understand that all rifles will be different, but if you could assist me in the intial length, then I can "tune" on my own. ,


"Nothing consistent to be measured". I'm not sure what you mean by this?

Adjusting seating depth can and does help fine tune an already accurate load. The key is to have a load that is fairly accurate to start with. If your loads are producing fairly large groups, then you may need to try other things before you mess with OAL. Things like powder, powder charge, primers and bullet weight/brand. Check scope, mounts, action screws, barrel channel and clean the bore really good.

I have a CZ 550 American in 9.3x62. It is an extremely accurate rifle. I shoot 286gr Partitions/ Ramshot BigGame with an OAL of 3.28". This rifle and load combo is capable of .3's@100 if I do my part.

Give us a little more info on your loads and results.
Steve, thanks for the response. What I mean by nothing consistent is this:

What I was able to measure
- Bullet touching lands = 3.580"
- Measured length of magazine well = 3.3975"
- In barely seating a bullet, I carefully inserted into the chamber and closed the bolt. My measurements for this were (done three times to find an average): 3.580", 3.573" and 3.580" respectively.

The Nosler Reloading book states a maximum overall cartridge length of 3.290". I am trying to get a starting length for this cartridge. You hit the nail on the head when you say that "the key is to have a load that is fairly accurate to start with". Since I have no true reference to start with, I am starting from ground zero. At least with my American calibers (.223, .243, .270, 30.06) I had friends that were able to tell me what their respective seating depth was to start with. I do not have this luxury for starting the 9.3x62. I have a box of Greco 255 gn round nose softpoints that were provided to me when I purchased. They are very accurate, but not the type of bullet that I wish to shoot. The bullet is nowhere near where the Nosler is in terms of OAL for bullet seating due to different bullet characteristics.

I see that you are running a OAL of 3.280". Are these Partitions/ Ramshot BigGame bullets the same as the 286 gn Partition Spitzers? If so, then you have answered my question. I can start at 3.280" and adjust from there. What type of powder and grains are you using? Also, are you using Large Rifle primers or Magnum primers?

I appreciate your assistance!
Sorry, What I ment was 286gr Partitions bullet, Ramshot BigGame powder, Fed 210M primers, Lapua Brass, 3.28 OAL.

If your measurements are correct then your mag is shorter than your chamber, Yes? You may just want to start out with a round that fits into the mag and cycles properly. Then you only have to adjust your OAL in one direction, shorter.



I will go back and measure the mag (it is not a removable clip type) more carefully for accuracy. I will start of with the OAL that you provided earlier. I had a friend recommend to me that instead of using a black permanent marker, to try the same thing utilizing the soot from a candle (it displays any marks more accerately). I think that the only two differences that have will be that I will use Viht N140 powder (I have not heard of Ram Shot Big Game powder) and I am using Graf brand brass. If you don't mind, I will let you know how it unfolds.

Thank you for your time and assistance!

Steve, what you are displaying is the Ramshot listings. I am rather limited as to the powder types. Thanks loads for the information. I will let you know how the Vight N140 aights in as. Merry Christmas!!
