9mm 1911

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Put some 9mm rounds through a full size, stainless steel Kimber 1911 today.

Though I remain a fan of the 45 ACP, I have to admit that this gun was very easy to shoot. Recoil is so mild!


Regards, Guy
I thought about a 9 mm Kimber. It is a little late to pick one up in Canada now. Perhaps with a new government, but things don't look particularly promising at the moment.
I'm not sure I could convince myself to buy a 5" 9x19 1911. Maybe Commander or Officer's ACP size gun. Maybe even a longside.

But I want a 5" .38 Super bad. Not terribly consistent there, Ace.
Love the 1911 platform. My wife has a Springfield EMP in 9mm. It's got a 3.5" barrel and is a joy to shoot. I would think a full size 1911 would be a blast to shoot (no pun intended).

After I talked our chief into approving the 1911 for duty carry along with 40 hours of 1911 specific training, we had 35% of the guys and gals give up their Glocks and select a 1911. Interesting was every officer who had been in a deadly use of force with the Glock selected (10/100 officers) a 1911. A bunch of them went to them 9mm EMP as a back up.
Love the 1911 platform. My wife has a Springfield EMP in 9mm. It's got a 3.5" barrel and is a joy to shoot. I would think a full size 1911 would be a blast to shoot (no pun intended).

I'm not a Springfield guy, but I'd like to give that configuration a try...
After I talked our chief into approving the 1911 for duty carry along with 40 hours of 1911 specific training, we had 35% of the guys and gals give up their Glocks and select a 1911. Interesting was every officer who had been in a deadly use of force with the Glock selected (10/100 officers) a 1911. A bunch of them went to them 9mm EMP as a back up.

There's a reason for that...

There's a reason for that...

Several years back had a deputy sheriff tell me that when they went to 1911s, use of force, including drawing, went down. The department attributed it to the 1911 giving visual cues (cocked hammer) implying force, which dissuaded behavior which would have required actual force. I don't know if it's true, or how you would measure such an abstract (question people why they didn't put up a fight?), but it is an interesting anecdote.
Several years back had a deputy sheriff tell me that when they went to 1911s, use of force, including drawing, went down. The department attributed it to the 1911 giving visual cues (cocked hammer) implying force, which dissuaded behavior which would have required actual force. I don't know if it's true, or how you would measure such an abstract (question people why they didn't put up a fight?), but it is an interesting anecdote.

Ya, I carried a 1911 for my entire LE career. Got some comments about it ranging from "Officer do you know that your pistol is cocked?" :) to outright admiration from some of the biker types and others. We contacted a group of biker club guys in a hotel parking lot. One of them pointed at me and said "Well (bleep) one of 'em has a real gun." He was grinning and so did I. We got along just fine. That Kimber in the basketweave holster and a wooden baton attracted some attention, the right kind of attention.

My Sarge also carried a 1911 45, until he went to a Glock 21 in .45 ACP. I remember he held one bad boy at gunpoint and as I got him handcuffed and into the patrol car he asked "What kind of cannon did the old Sarge have pointed at me anyway?"

One of my cop buddies was a good looking redheaded lady. She was first at the scene of a wildman trying to rob a mini-mart one night. He had a baseball bat. She was carrying a stainless steel Colt 1911 45 ACP and had it pointed just below him at low ready. I arrested him when I got there, handcuffed him and put him in my patrol car. Told him he was lucky to be alive. He said "You think so?" I came back with "You were up against a ticked off redhead with a Colt 45."

He was quiet for a bit and then allowed as how he hadn't thought that through very well... We both chuckled on the way to the jail.

Ya the 1911 45's got a fair bit of attention from good guys and bad guys. I don't know if that makes them better or not, but they sure get some attention.

I sure am glad I never had to shoot anyone on duty. It was a near thing a time or two, but I'm awfully glad I never had to pull the trigger.

Regards, Guy
One of my cop buddies was a good looking redheaded lady. She was first at the scene of a wildman trying to rob a mini-mart one night. He had a baseball bat. She was carrying a stainless steel Colt 1911 45 ACP and had it pointed just below him at low ready. I arrested him when I got there, handcuffed him and put him in my patrol car. Told him he was lucky to be alive. He said "You think so?" I came back with "You were up against a ticked off redhead with a Colt 45."
Yeah, but she probably stole his soul. (Sorry, bad redhead joke.)