Accubond performance

257 Ackley

Nov 25, 2008
Just got done with deer hunting in Minnesota, Wanted to let everyne know how the 130 grain AB in the .260 performed on a large doe. The doe jumped off an island in a large swamp about 75 yards from me, quartering away. There was only time for one quick shot before she reached the other side, so the sight picture was in the rib area. My son and I had to walk about a mile to get around the swamp to get to where she entered the woods on the other side. We found her laying about 25 feet from where I saw her enter the woods. When I field dressed her, we could anly find the entry hole half way between her hip and rib cage, no exit hole. The heart had the top portion missing and the lungs were mush, so I knew the bullet made it through the chest cavity. Yesterday when I skinned her out, I found the exit hole in the front part of her neck! That bullet traveled through almost 4 feet of tissue and bone on a 176 lb deer! I was hoping to recover the bullet to see what it looked like and have a pic for everyone to see. This is why the only hunting bullet I use or reload for my family is Accubonds.

On another note; took the BLR .358 for a morning walk the next day and shot a nice 3 point buck in the same area as the doe. The bullet went through a 3/4 inch diameter sapling before it hit the rib cage. This made a rather impressive entry hole with a 200 grain silvertip that had already mushroomed, but it still exited out the other side. First time I ever remember a entry hole being 3 times larger than the exit :lol: I will post some pics after I get back home. Good luck and be safe
Man, I am not sure what kind of animal you would have to shoot to actually capture one of those little 6.5's. That is alot of penetration, in a pretty big deer. Now, show us some pictures. Scotty
The 6.5mm 130 gr AB is a tough bullet and offers great penetration. Congratulations on your hunt.

Now, the story of the 358 is a hoot! The 6.5 AB is a great deer bullet, and the .260 will certainly get the job done.

Congrats on putting that .260 to work !
We're going to give it another try here in a couple weeks with the 130's for a cow elk... we'll see...

Again.. Congrats !!
Great story! I hope to find out how the AB's work in the next few weeks on bear here in PA :grin:

Mark -
Good luck on the cow elk this weekend. I carried the .260 for the entire 8 days that we hunted elk in Montana this year as well. Not having shot any game with the combo of the .260 and 130AB, you really don't know what to expect. I feel confident using this combo for any shot out to 400 yards for elk after seeing how it performed. Some may say that it is being "under-gunned", but it still comes down to placing the bullet and being able to handle the rifle you are shooting.

That being said, I am looking for a 300 WSM before next season. There was an opportunity at a decent 5X5 at about 650 yards that I did not take because of the distance. If I would have been carrying a rifle with more range and had practiced shooting those distances, I may have taken the shot.