Accubonds At Close Distance


Feb 10, 2005
Hearing some great reports about AccuBond in hunting situations at distance. Does anyone have personal experience with an elk at 50 yards? I know short distance rifle hunting isn't as common, however I shot my last elk at 43 yards...right place, right time. My Partitions performed flawlessly. I would like to hear real accounts @ 100yds or less and how the bullet performed.
My buddy shot a cow elk @ 50 yards in the neck last fall with a 180 grain BT in 30-06. Bullet performed well. He's also media tested 200 grain 30 cal accubonds at 3150fps with excellent results in his 300RUM.

We take a lot of elk with accubonds at various distances. They would really well! I shoot a 160gr bullet in 7mm. It has taken elk from cows to large trophies. Both it and the Partition have been really good.
I was out at the range today doing the final sight in at 300 yds and I set my target up in front of the 3" thick end plate from a boiler. You know, them accubonds just wouldnt hold together and penetrate that boiler plate. But boy, you ought to see them craters!! :lol:
A couple months ago I shalacked a small cinnamin bear at about 10-15 FEET with my 270 Weatherby and the 140 grain AccuBond. Yes it was a broadside shot with complete penetration. Lungs where a soup sandwich and the shoulders where not bloodshot. I was happy with the performance. Ballistic Tip accuracy and Partition type performance. I really am a believer in the Accubonds.
Deadeye, it was not an elk, but I got to see the AccuBond perform yesterday on a wild hog at about 50 yards.

My buddy and I took a stand while another guy made a drive through a spot where we thought some pigs might be bedded. He busted out a heck of a nice boar, easily over 200 pounds and about 2.5 inch teeth.

I spotted the boar first and hollered at my buddy. I had the pig in my scope, but he ran behind a bunch of brush. My buddy could still see him and hit him with his 257 Wby Mag using the 110 AccuBond. The boar cleared the brush and was still hauling it so I busted him with my 7-08 shooting the 140 AccuBond. He showed little reaction to either hit, but had obvious bloody spots on his side when he went out of sight. We found him just down the trail a ways with two lung shots about 4 inches apart.

Both bullets made complete penetration, but they should have, no bones were hit except ribs. Judging from the entrance and exit holes, the perfomance was good.

I have had a darned hard time getting the Accubonds to shoot good groups for me, but both these guns shoot them well so we wanted to try them out. They did quite well, I think.

Last fall i got a small mulie buck with a 180 gr AB from a 300 WSM. I was shooting it at almost 3000 fps, and at 50 yards it made a perfect controlled expansion. I was a little worried that a small deer might not get much expansion, or maybe too much, but the bullet performed well. No excessive meat damage, and complete pass through. The exit hole was about 3/4 inch, perfect in my book.

I worked up a load for the 110 for my / our 25/06 over the long weekend. The daughter and I tried to get some shots on the hogs while I was up but they just didn't cooperate.

After I got home she called me the next day and said they got one at about 10 yds. Here is the exit side from the 110 going just over 3150fps. No resistance was reported from the boar after the shot.

I am hoping to get some more chances to wring them out here in the next few weeks. I will definately post up when I do.
I just returned from a elk hunt yesturday and after being skeptical of accubonds at close range I am now a believer. On day 3 of the cow elk hunt I had 6 cows come up on me at less than 30 yards. I made the classic behind the front leg shot with a 260 gr. A/B at 3100 fps. from my 375 RUM. The cow dropped in her tracks, which wasn't suprising, but what was suprising was the performance of the bullet. It didn't come apart. It passed thrue the animal breaking the far shoulder with about the same meat damage my .308 Win. would have done on a deer. Now at that range we're talking 5000 fpe. I truly expected to see a massive eruption of blown up elk on the far side but it didn't happen. A/B's are that good and from now on they are my choice for all hunting they are made for. :grin:

Congratulations on your Elk!


just returned from antelope hunt in wyoming.110 AccuBond at 3200 fps,71 yds,large pronghorn ,shot was behind front leg,perfect expansion,dead buck,no movement,lungs jelly,no bloodshot meat.also shot two coyotes at 290 and 185 yds.small entrance dollar size coming out both shots behind front leg.this is my choice for .257 ackley imp. i'll be using it on cow elk in few weeks.8)