Accubonds coming together, FINALLY!


Good to see you posting again. Trust all is well in Dear Old Blighty.
Thanks folks, nice to be back and good to see that you guys are all here.
It's been a tough old time since Dec 12th 2012, but I'm doing just fine now. Been to the range to do some shooting and got to end up with a very decent load for the AccuBond.

I'll be giving the stalking a try later on this year & will content myself with a bit of foxing using the .25/110 AB until then. Meanwhile, Scotty seems to have got a good load together that will certainly make an elk wobble!
Cheers, ET
Do you think the ABs would perform better in the 300wby seated shorter than standard OAL?
Looking for a starting point as I would normally start any bullet to what lenght the magazine would allow.
With the freebore in the Wby there's no way to reach the lands unless you turn it into a single shot.
Don't want to steal your post just looking for some info on the ABs before I shoot them all up.
I think I would still start at mag length or maybe start at Noslers recommended seating depth. It doesn't take long to sort it out as long as your ready to do the shooting.

ET, that sounds like a great load!