Accubonds in Colorado

Greg Nolan

Nov 25, 2004
A/Bs came thrue again. I took a heavy 6 point bull with my .375 RUM at 225 yds. My first shot was a little too far back and passed thrue. My second shot was a quartering away shot and I hit at the last rib and penetrated thrue to take the top of the heart out. The bullet was .375 cal. 260 gr. A/B. It ended up 187.5 grs. for a 72% weight retention and expanded to .713 in. It was found under the skin at the front leg which it broke. I still can't figure out how to post pictures or I could show you the perfectly mushroomed bullet and the elk. Help!!!
Thanks Again Nosler, you done good!!! :grin:

Congratulations on your Bull. Sounds like the AB's are the way to go!
I can't help you with the photos but I am sure someone will offer some help. I look forward to seeing them.

Best Regards,

I sent you a pm. I'll glady post your pic for you if you'll e-mail it to me. Mike