

Jun 28, 2008
Well I bought some seconds from the Pro shop the other day and they had orange tips not white. Well I been working on a good deer load for my 300wby I have a small gunsmithing shop above the old Centwise bldg in Redmond and when things are slow I break out the press and load some up. Well I took some of the seconds and put 82.5grs of 7828 behind them last Saturday I got a chance to get to the range and since I only neck size I was extremely suprised when at 100 I was putting 3 in the same hole did it 5 time after letting the barrel cool down the Wby is one of their accumarks with the semi bull barrel. So I think I will settle on this for my deer load I put it 3" high at 100yds and the book says at 300 it will be dead on. I know there are alot of guys out there shooting the 300 Wbys so I thought I would just pass it on. My 12 year old used his 3 mentored youth points and I put him in for the Badlands Cow hunt and he got drawn I been able to put him on elk every weekend so far but they have been just out of range for him I had him practice quite a bit but we just cant get him close enought yet. His season runs from Aug1 to Oct 31 so it is just a matter of time. Last weekend we found a nice wallow and plenty of sign and the cows we did see were at 400 plus yards just to far for him I wont let him take a chance. If anyone can offer any advise about where we are hunting in the Badlands just east of Bend please feel free to give us some advise here or stop in my shop above the antique store where the Centwise used to be I do alot of gun repair but have no machining abilities.

If you don't tag game, it won't be because your load is inadequate! Great job. If you can, throw up some pictures when your son tags his elk this fall.
Nice load, congratulations.
FWIW, the Orange tip AB's are over fun bullets for Norma.

Sounds like you have a good hunt planned for your son. With your planning and training he'll be ready, willing and able to tag out. Lots of pictures please.
On the bullet side, I loaded some of the 180 gr. orange tips for my 300 RUM because I was getting low on my loaded white tips. I sighted in and was happy with the group so I thought I'd shoot some of the orange tips. My groups shrunk from 8" to 5" at 500 yards. I switched back and forth 3 times with the same results. I now use the orange tips and keep the white tips for emergency backup. Amazing :shock:
sweet! What is your COAL? and primers?

I am using 85 grs of imr 7828 with federal primers. Have to check on the oal but i pushed in out almost an 1/8th. Lots of freebore in my bee.
The coal is 1/16 " shorter than the magazine and she still has plenty of space in chamber.I also load 85 grns. Of 7828 and last with the white tips the worst group I had was .485 but they all, 5 groups were under .5 of an inch I was really happy with those results as well but the Orange tips really made me smile.I
hardpan":20i3zkuv said:
sweet! What is your COAL? and primers?

I am using 85 grs of imr 7828 with federal primers. Have to check on the oal but i pushed in out almost an 1/8th. Lots of freebore in my bee.

I know what you mean about large amounts of freebore, I tried the crude method of finding my max OAL on my 7RUM. THe 150ET was barely in the neck of the brass , over 4 inches. Oh well, I'm limited by magazine length anyway.
Hi RR,
Wby posts the amount of freebore. Just found it in their FAQ...
Cartridge Throat length (free bore)
.224 Weatherby Magnum .162
.240 Weatherby Magnum .169
.257 Weatherby Magnum .378 over 3/8th!
.270 Weatherby Magnum .378
.7mm Weatherby Magnum .378
.300 Weatherby Magnum .361
.340 Weatherby Magnum .373
.375 Weatherby Magnum .373
378 Weatherby Magnum .756
416 Weatherby Magnum .239
460 Weatherby Magnum .756
30-378 Weatherby Magnum .361
338-378 Weatherby Magnum .361

Interesting. So, in general I cut down the freebore about 1/8th over factory.
The free bore give you higher velocity and lower pressures. My 338 RUM has a lot of free bore as well, I just load to just under my max magazine.

Well the boy is spun up. With my business like it is I am kind of forced to work saturdays a lot of people bring guns in on saturdays. But Sunday he has definitely has my day planned for me he sets the alarm at least 2 hrs too early gets up and makes navy coffee for me then it is out the door,we get there so early we have to set at least an hour to an hour and a half before you can even see through the spotting scope. I have it is one of the wonders of being a dad is to see the enthusiasm of a 12 year old boy. He saved all summer and was able with the help of a good friend who gave him a great price on a weatherby vanguard in 270 with a very nice bushels 3-9 pwr all brand new. I have had him putting rounds down range every weekend and after work when we can. Well maybe we might have pics for you on Monday. Have a good weekend I know I will. Be safe and enjoy.
That sounds like an awesome shooting load out of your 300WBY. Never shot any of the Orange Tipped Accubonds, but you can e sure I will keep my open for some of them now! They sound like they are shooting pretty well for you!

Good luck to you and your son. That is great he has his own rifle and was able to save up and buy it himself. The best way there is. What is the load he shoots out of his 270?

Good luck with the elk, hope to see a picture of a big cow in a few weeks. Scotty
Right now he isn't ready to load yet so I have him shooting that fusion I think it is from Federal we tried 3 different brands one a high dollar loading but the Fusion shot the tightest groups. We shot at Redmond gun club he got to the point where I would put clays on the 200yds gong and out in the sand back stop and he could break 10 for 10 I did that because he gets bored punching paper. This way he gets instant gratification of breaking the clays. The fusions are 150grn. About the gun and him being able to save and pay for it himself a good friend of ours has a gun sales business in Bend he sold him that Vanguard for $325.00 he bought 3 of them 3 yrs ago and at that time payed$315.00 for the guns.Even with my FFL I couldn't find my son one at that price.So with out the help of my good friend Jay all of this would not have happened. Jay told my son about 5-6 months ago he had the 270 and how much he would sell it to him for so that was the driving force behind all my sons WORK.
Thats a great deal on that 270. Those guns are a great gun for the price and thats an even better price. Hope he gets to use it this year! If you start loading I would stick with the 140gr accubonds with either h4831sc or RL22.. Good luck.

That is a great story! Great friend too.
I think you son is going to do well with his 270 Win. :grin:

The Fusion is a good bullet and Federal does produce some fine loads. Your son should do quite well with the load.
That sounds good. Your boy got a heckuva good deal on that rifle. Plus, the 270 Win is about all we really need to handle our huntin needs most of the time anyhow. I hear alot of good things about the FUSIONS and I am sure he will make it count if given the chance. If he is sniping clay targets at 200, it sounds like he is doing well and has a great teacher. Scotty
Well we were out plenty early but no elk anywhere. We checked every water source we know 2 of my good friends work for COI and where we hunt is both of their water routes. We glassed the knoll where they normally bed down at night, and mid morning beds not one animal. We covered every square inch of ground on the roads four over 12 miles and couldn't cut 1 fresh track I know where we are going to fill our buck tags now, but in a month this is the first time we haven't seen an animals my son was more than a little discouraged buy we had a little range work on the way home so that eased the disappointment a little but it is hard to explain to a 12 year old that the animals move around he thinks they are gone for the rest of the season. Well that is the uneventful report for this weekend with any luck we will.get out this week a day or two.Good luck to the rest of you who are in the quest as we are and to.those of you who have to wait until the normal bull season
It is hard to tell a 12 Y/O that but it sounds like you tried hard. That will make it that much better when he does get his first elk! Sounds like you worked hard for him and he will appreciate it! Good luck, hope you get into them soon. Scotty

Tell your son to keep the faith! All of us here at Nosler Relaoding are cheering him on. :grin:

Your hard work and efforts wil be rewarded. :wink:
