Accurate 270-4350-4064


Aug 11, 2022
Folks I'm wondering if anyone is using the above powders in .243 Winchester 10 twist rifles.
I'm looking to load 65 grain Vmax and 70 grain Varmagdedon & Ballistic Tip bullets. Rifle is a Ruger No.1a
Glass bedded with a 2.5X10X40-5HD scope, Penrod Precision did all the work along with trigger work.
Thank you in advance for your time, help and consideration.
Have a nice weekend.
Semper Fidelis,
I no longer own a #1 in 243 but I've owned a couple in that cartridge. No longer have the data but I know I would have used both H4350 and 4064. If for no other reason I have a stable of #1 and with the exception of the 375 they all will shoot one of those two well.
I've never had too much luck trying to push a number one unless I've gone through the process of making them shoot, I believe it's the barrel harmonics and spring hanger. Reads as if you have remedied that. You might try 6.5 stay or Reloader 17 if you can find it.
I don't load any of this . I did play on quickload with them . they all look to be decent choices for powder / bullet combos . the case fills are good at max loads ,I like to work in the 95%- 105% case fill . these powders give good velocities . here is what I saw .

70 gr varm bullet .

powder ......................... max load case fill ................................ velocity
acc 2700 ......................95% ............................................................3300
acc 4350 .....................100% ...........................................................3480
acc 4064.........................93%............................................................3380

the top velocity of any powder was 3540FPS

65 V-Max

powder ..............................................max load case fill ....................................velocity
acc 2700.............................................95% ................................................................3388
acc 4350 .............................................101%..............................................................3529
acc 4064................................................95%...............................................................3480

the top velocity of any powder was 3630FPS
Lightest bullet I have for 243win is 75v-max, but haven't done any handloading yet due too needing to have it throated longer. Factory Winchester ammo 100pp jams into the lands (not by much tho).
I haven't used the .243 in years and I have two rifles chambered to te round. My heavy use of the .243 was when I lived in Nevada and gave jackrabbits and coyotes a bad time. I moved from Nevada due to a job transfer in 1979 and I doubt I've shot either rifle more than a couple of times since the move. Just got busy with too many other rifles. I don't remember the loads but I ran the 85 gr. Sierra game King hollow point and Hornady 100 gr. Spitzer over W760 with apparently good speed (No chronograph back then) and excellent accuracy.
That was during a time frame when I refused to use stick powders like 4350 and 4831 as I would have to dump, trickle and weigh each charge. W760 metered very nicely so I used ball type powders. I went back to stick powder only after buying an RCBS Chargemaster.
Paul B.
Please post up some pics of your rig. Anything by Mark Penrod is always a treat to see!
I would post pictures but I'm not a spring chicken, came HOME from the war in 1970, &
I haven't got the faintest idea how to go about it!