Well, my "pet" blackie came back to the cabin again Friday evening. He was by a couple of weeks ago and a sharp shout was all that was needed to send him away. This time, it took 3 warning shots from a .357 at 25 yards, with the third nearly parting his hair. He's a younger male, about 150 lbs and appears healthy. We keep a very clean camp, and I had absolutely no "wet" food onsite at all this time, all canned or dry "flour" mixes. I really can't understand the brazenness this one is showing, almost seems territorial. No sign of his proximity to camp until people are present. I do have the blessing from the local CO to fire with intent if he comes around again, and butcher under a depredation tag if he's healthy, likely the same bear did take a calf from a local beef farmer about a mile away during the week. Anybody else have experience with non-food or cub related aggressiveness in black bears? I've spent a lot of time in the woods, and never seen such behavior not motivated by a perspective meal or cub protection.