Another .308

The .30-06 has always been my favorite cartridge but there are no flies on the .308! It is accurate, efficient, hard hitting and as ubiquitous as bad decisions on Saturday night. It’s little wonder that it has been a top 10 seller nearly from inception.
270win fits in my 30-06 class (long action standard bolt face), but now starting to go short mags in AR's for a more compact gun and have the speed = range w/ heavier bullets combo. i was able to find adg 300wsm brass at a close to local store that doesn't advertise online that's equal to better price per 50 rounds. also found a 4# of 3n37 for $129.99.
Reading thru this has got that itch started again. I have / had most modern cartridges but never a .308Win. I’ve got a Sav99 in a 300 Sav. That’s as close as I’ve got. I’ve been looking at 308s for years now but with a few 300WSMs laying around I couldn’t justify buying one. A good buddy of mine from high school had a 308 in a REM 788 too. Shot very well if memory serves.
Now my wife could use one…. maybe in a BAR.
Enabler 🤣
I have only had two 308's. One was a Ruger American I bought for 150 at pawn shop and later sold to make room in the safe. So after I got a bigger safe (I know excellent problem solving skills) I decided I needed to have another 308 since I had all the reloading components. I bought a cheap Savage Axis 2 on a black Friday deal. Once I started shooting it, I fell in love with the caliber. The rifle is not smooth or pretty or anything really other than darn accurate and for some reason very speedy. In every load that I work up and shoot with this rifle my velocities are higher than data suggests it should be. Never pressure signs and almost always very accurate. Way more accurate than a $250 rifle should be. Used it last year as my primary deer rifle and took an 8 pt with a well placed 130gr Barnes TTSX. Buck went 20ish yards after the shot. I have now found myself when I "window shop" for a new rifle I look for a 308.
I have only had two 308's. One was a Ruger American I bought for 150 at pawn shop and later sold to make room in the safe. So after I got a bigger safe (I know excellent problem solving skills) I decided I needed to have another 308 since I had all the reloading components. I bought a cheap Savage Axis 2 on a black Friday deal. Once I started shooting it, I fell in love with the caliber. The rifle is not smooth or pretty or anything really other than darn accurate and for some reason very speedy. In every load that I work up and shoot with this rifle my velocities are higher than data suggests it should be. Never pressure signs and almost always very accurate. Way more accurate than a $250 rifle should be. Used it last year as my primary deer rifle and took an 8 pt with a well placed 130gr Barnes TTSX. Buck went 20ish yards after the shot. I have now found myself when I "window shop" for a new rifle I look for a 308.
did you fall in love for the 30cal alone or 308win cartridge
I resisted owning a 30-06 for years. They were just too pedestrian, too common. I sold them as an ideal "do everything" cartridge to many people, but I wanted something different. And the 308 was equated with the '06. While I did eventually get an '06 (a handsome Featherweight), just never got a 308. My life isn't over, so anything is possible.
I agree. About the only thing holding me back is that I 've been thinning the herd.
I resisted owning a 30-06 for years. They were just too pedestrian, too common. I sold them as an ideal "do everything" cartridge to many people, but I wanted something different. And the 308 was equated with the '06. While I did eventually get an '06 (a handsome Featherweight), just never got a 308. My life isn't over, so anything is possible.
Maybe if you called it a .300 Savage Improved or a .30-06 Short, it would sound more exciting!! 😂

I have been thinning the herd too, but I bought this .308 and a .35 Whelen this year. 🙄 Sorry, not sorry!

Not only are they both nice rifles, but in the case of the 788, its the nicest 788 I have ever seen.
If I had seen one with wood as attractive as found on the Featherweights released in 2008, I might have owned one. I'm not prepared to say "never." I worked up loads for a number of rifles chambered in 308. I found the cartridge to be easy to find an accurate load when working with it.
I remember when the .308 came out and my thought was, "It's just a 30-06 want to be." Fast forward to 1973 and I'm facing the fact that traipsing up and down a 9500 foot MSL mountain with a 9.5 1903A3 Bubba 30-06 Springfield was betting to be too much for this extremely heavy chain smoker. The local LGS had a Remington 660 on sale for $95.99 and it was (GASP!) a .308. Well it was lighter by a noticeable amount that the 03A3 si I "bit the bullet" and bought it and the rings, mount and a Buhnell 4X scope. That gun was loud and it kicked like an angry mule but I'd grit my teeth and shoot it anyway. I was gonna show it who was boss and developed the prettiest finch you ever saw. My kids spent their allowance for a set of hearing muffs for my birthday and while I felt silly, wore them the next time I took that beast of a .308 out to try and get a good sight in. WOW! what happened to that painful kick? Lesson learned.

While I had gone to 180 gr. bullets in the 30-06 to lessen meat damage I belived the .308 would be better with 150 gr. bullets so that was what I loaded. Gor sighted in at three inches high like the 06 and was out opening day bright and early with two of my hunting partners. We were kind of spread out kind of like a skirmish line when a nice 4 point took off at a dead run. He was way the hell and gone out yonder and I swung past and took the shot. The bullet broke his neck. My buddies came over and we paced it off at 426 paces, the longest shot I've ever taken on deer. I hunted the rest of the time I lived in Nevada with that .308 and never looked back although I did take a .270 a time or two when out with my kids doing their deer hunts. I used it in Arizona the first couple of years until I came into a Ruger M77 RSI in .308 and had used it for deer just about all the time I did hunts here.

These days I use the 165 gr. Speer Hot Core almost exclusively in my .308s. Thee'reaccurat andwork just fine on deer and I think would be just fine on elk within reasonable range.
Paul B.