Another scope bites the dust!

Nope ...too broke for that right now.
Even the Kahles K series scopes are pretty tough. I have had a 3.5-10x50 Kahles on my .340 Weatherby shooting 225 grain Partitions at 3080 fps for (4) years and about 450 rounds with no scope issues, or zero changes. Before that, the scope was on a light A-Bolt, .300 WSM for (6) years.
Anyone have any opinions on the Swarovski Z3 3-10x42? 12 OZ scope....light
FOTIS":210kjuvk said:
Anyone have any opinions on the Swarovski Z3 3-10x42? 12 OZ scope....light

I have zero experience with the scope Fotis, but it seems like everyone I have looked through was CRYSTAL clear. I would actually love to have a few of them, but without adjustments to adjust elevation, they are kinda limited. Not a big deal if you aren't looking to dial. I would think they should be very rugged though. If they made that 3-10 with a CDS like dial, I think it would be about the nicest hunting scope on the market. At least for my purposes..

I love my Swarovski scopes. They are top of the line. I've had no problem with the Z3, but then, it isn't subjected to the recoil stress yours will be asked to endure. Nevertheless, I wouldn't hesitate to scope a hard-kicking rifle with that scope. I no longer have a Z3, but I do have a Z5 and two Z6s at the moment. None, however, have been mounted on what I consider to be a hard kicking rifle.
FOTIS":3tbur14e said:
Anyone have any opinions on the Swarovski Z3 3-10x42? 12 OZ scope....light

Fotis -
I have one on my 300WSM and haven't had any problems to date. It isn't the same kind of thunder stick as yours, but it has held up well for about 250 rounds so far. It is a very nice clean, bright and light scope.
FOTIS":3uf0pci9 said:
Anyone have any opinions on the Swarovski Z3 3-10x42? 12 OZ scope....light

You mean other than I want one... or a half-dozen?
Fotis, I have the 4-12x50 Swarovski AH which you can still find occasionally. They are basically the same as the Z3 but can be had cheaper sometimes. Mine has been on a 7mm Mag for 11 years with no issues.
Well I shipped the Leupy back today.

Now I do have a Bushy Elite 6500 2.5x16 sitting around....

Do I dare? and if so what is their CS like?
FOTIS":32eo2hrd said:
Well I shipped the Leupy back today.

Now I do have a Bushy Elite 6500 2.5x16 sitting around....

Do I dare? and if so what is their CS like?


Only one way to find out. :wink:
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. :mrgreen:

Dude...I am really scared! :shock:

At least I know Leupy will fix them no ??? asked! :mrgreen:
Fotis, if the Bushnell is more than 10 years old or you are not the original owner, they will not honor the warranty according to many people including me, who have had service refused for these reasons. Plus I believe, if they find out that you are shooting it on a .378, they will refuse warranty service.
Last fall my Bushnell Stalker 20x spotter had the lense fall out while I was hunting. It was at least 30 years old, but I had registered it. They sent me a replacement which is much nicer and 15-40x, but the same light weight compact size as my old Stalker.
Then I also sent back an Ellite 1500 rangefinder which I never bothered to register. It was getting spots on the lense and wouldn't read out consistently. They would only give me $250 credit toward a new one. My fault since I didn't register it.
Did you have plans for it on something else? If you can afford to be without it for a while, I'd let 'er rip. If it was slated for the new Sako, then I wouldn't risk it.
BK":1p9ndpm4 said:
Did you have plans for it on something else? If you can afford to be without it for a while, I'd let 'er rip. If it was slated for the new Sako, then I wouldn't risk it.

I will call Bushy tomorrow and ask permission first...... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

That way if it does brake then I can say... But XXX said it was ok! :roll: :wink:
Well I called Rob in Williams gun site company. That is the master gunsmith that built the gun. He suggested Swaro and or zeiss. He said stay away from Leupy for this one.
It would be a superb choice, Fotis. What about a Swarovski Z3? I've heard of a number of them moving at quite reasonable prices.