Any dove hunters here?


Apr 18, 2009
If so have you ever heard of Eurasion Collared doves?

We have a few of them here in town but I had never hunted them before.
Here in Texas there is no season and no limit on them, they are an invasive species.
Last weekend Creedmore, myself and our other partner found ourselves SURROUNDED
by them in a cut milo field just on the outskirts of Lubbock, Tx. We were up there to hunt
Sandhill cranes with some buddies from Houston, Tx and our outfitter asked if we wanted to shoot doves in the afternoons. Our group totalled 11 people.

Well for about an hour and half Sat I could not stuff shells in the magazine of my 870 16 ga
fast enough. There were 1000s upon 1000s of them in the air at any given time.
I went through about 4 1/2 boxes of shells in a little over an hour. It was tough shooting too.
Lots of high angle overhead incomers and some crossing shots.

My take for Saturday. Oh and I shot two that were white instead of grey/silver.
And for those of you in the frozen hinterlands?
It was 68 degrees Sat afternoon.
God Bless Texas !


That afternoon we ended up with over 210 birds for the group.

We also had three mornings of fantastic crane hunting.
For those that have never eaten Sandhill Crane they are incredible table fare.
We call them " flying ribeyes " as they don't taste at all like duck or goose even though they
are all dark meat. My wife actually looks forward to me going on this hunt as "crane ka-bobs" are her favorite wild game meal.
We tallied 99 cranes in three days, three 11 man limits.

Sunday morning.


And just to give you an idea of how big they are?
Guy in the picture is Gary, my ace compadre. He's 6'2"


Ready to go back again !
One more weekend of goose season in Ok and it's over for another year.

I may be a little depressed next week.
May I ask forgiveness in advance?


That is a great haul on the cranes. I love hearing them pass overhead when hunting in the Cariboo. I do miss dove hunting. Those little rascals can sure jink and dive; but they do make you sharper at wing shooting.
Crane hunting looks fun. I think we can hunt them in WI now. I will have to look into it. By the way it is warm in WI today. 18 for a high.
wisconsinteacher":2ay404vt said:
Crane hunting looks fun. I think we can hunt them in WI now. I will have to look into it. By the way it is warm in WI today. 18 for a high.

74 here now...... :mrgreen:
That sounds awfully hot, Howard. It is a balmy -5 here today, which certainly beats the -30 of last week. Hmmmmm. 74 just seems hot right now.
Couple more pics of the Crane hunt.

Sunrise in West Tx.
Sure stirs the soul.



Then after the rising sun , the birds began to fly into to feed


And I got to play birdog after

Howard- That looks like a fantastic time! Havent hunted doves in 25 years, but used to do so on stock dams and in gravel pits back in SD. Many an enjoyable early fall evening was spent. We didnt have near the numbers you are talking about (half a dozen was a good hunt for two of us. Our ratio of shells/ birds was about the same :grin: They are fun! CL
Sunrise in west Texas can be striking, that's for sure. Sunsets can be pretty dramatic as well. Man, I've enjoyed these pictures of country I've not seen for many years.
DrMike":3eu087sd said:
Sunrise in west Texas can be striking, that's for sure. Sunsets can be pretty dramatic as well. Man, I've enjoyed these pictures of country I've not seen for many years.

It is a magical place to me as well Dr Mike.
I often comment to friends, " I can see why the Comanches and the Kiowas fought so hard to keep it"

So here are a few more.
Cranes on the move.


These got too close to the decoys.... :mrgreen:

Great pics! I haven't dove hunted in a few years, our early goose season opens the same time as dove season here.
Wow what a cool hunt. We have Eurasian Collared doves also and no limit on them either as they are an invasive species. I've seen some/heard Cranes flying over from time to time but not very often. We still have about 1 month left of goose season, was out scouting today and have over 3K on 1 field but being in a sling from shoulder surgery I can still call but can't shoot. I am hoping to get some friends out so they can do some goose killing.