Anyone ever buy from this website?

I bought from him before, when he was selling Nosler products on ebay. Great service, and a decent guy.

He sometimes has better availability on selected Nosler seconds than the Nosler Shooters Pro Shop does.

I would buy from him again no problem.

Course no one beats the current Christmas sale. I even went back to the trough today for a second helping :lol:
He is not affiliated with Nosler and he buys seconds from our pro shop just like you guys can, then marks them up. He is not a distributer.
JusMo; you should make him one he is are only hope of 2nds north of the line since the pro shop can't get it done. Not all Nosler costumer can buy from the pro shop.

Thanks Alan.
We've never discouraged him from selling, pretty much because of that. We've never heard of him doing anything that would upset us and all his customers seem to like him. That being said, factory seconds are just that, imperfect products and they are only offered through the pro shop. That's why he isn't a distributor. I am glad that you are able to get them though and I wish that we were able to ship them directly to you.
JusMo":3g7odkzg said:
........... I wish that we were able to ship them directly to you.

I wish we Canucks could order bullets directly from Nosler. The cost of bullets here in Canada is now bordering on the obscene. When our dollar was worth 70 cents US we were told that the exchange was the culprit. Now with both the US and Canadian dollar having the same value the dealers are just screwing us without remorse. For example a box of 180 grain 30 calibre Partitions is selling from about $42.00 a box from the larger Canadian mail-order dealers to over $60.00 a box from smaller Mom & Pop shops. $19.00 for a bag of 50 seconds - even if more than what Nosler sells them for - is still a great bargin to us.
jtoews80 I e-mail about 6.5s he hoping soon but I'm sure that depends on Nosler. Cariboo I've never been told why the pro shop can't ship to Canada is there a law.

The fairly new American anti-terrorism laws prevent the export of firearms, gun parts, rifle scopes, and most reloading components unless an export permit is obtained. Most retailers in the US are justifiably reluctant to go through the hassle required to get these permits unless an importer is buying in quantity. Canadian laws BTW allow for such imports, and if the parts/components are built in North America they are duty free.

The American anti-terrorism laws however allow for an exception for "non-critical" parts and supplies as long as the total value is less than $100.00 USD. The list of actual "parts" allowed in the 100 buck exemption however is pretty vague and some retailers - Midway for example - have refused to ship ANY parts and relaoding equipment after receiving substantial fines.

Some manufacturers may also have agreements in place with their Canadian distributors restricting their direct sales to Canadian consumers.
The easy way around all of that is to get a friend in the US to buy the product for you and then ship it privately via USPS. Do not use UPS as they charge for brokerage.
Cariboo thanks I did not know that reloading components were part of the law just wish the non-critical parts could be more clear. Never could see rifle scopes not aloud but other optic ok. But laws are made to be vague how else can lawyers make a living.

I had better send cards to my lawyer and lawyer friends. Just a thought who needs gun control when we live with ammo control 2 cents that's all

Cariboo":2ouw7ycy said:
JusMo":2ouw7ycy said:
........... I wish that we were able to ship them directly to you.

I wish we Canucks could order bullets directly from Nosler. The cost of bullets here in Canada is now bordering on the obscene. When our dollar was worth 70 cents US we were told that the exchange was the culprit. Now with both the US and Canadian dollar having the same value the dealers are just screwing us without remorse. For example a box of 180 grain 30 calibre Partitions is selling from about $42.00 a box from the larger Canadian mail-order dealers to over $60.00 a box from smaller Mom & Pop shops. $19.00 for a bag of 50 seconds - even if more than what Nosler sells them for - is still a great bargin to us.

Yeah, but your prescription drugs are cheaper than ours!!!!! grin.
I still cant understand why a company like Nosler cant ship to Canada when an internet third party CAN ship their products
Since I have been the subject of this forum I thought I would respond. Shipping bullets international requires more paper work and record keeping (not to mention fees!) than domestic shipping. I ship to Canada using one of the export license exemptions (i.e., orders less than $100 are license exempt). I'm still required to file all shipments with the US Customs and Border Protection to get them through customs. The point is there is a lot of extra work involved. I don't want to speak for Nosler, but I suspect its not cost effective to deal with the end user outside the U.S. As JusMo indicated, I'm not a Nosler distributor, I buy my bullets from the ProShop like everyone else.
