Anyone reload for the 6.5 Swede?


Jan 26, 2012
I found a ridiculous deal on a all matching number, amazing condition Carl Gustav 1905 in 6.5 Swede. The old girl is just begging to be taken to the range and given a good woorkout.

Any favorite loads? I was thinking about sticking with a 160g RN just to keep it traditional, but if someone has a good, gentle load for this old warhorse, I'd love to hear it.
There are a lot of powders that will work well in the good old 6.5x55. I have had good results with H 4831 sc, IMR 4350 and IMR 7828 ssc with bullets weighing from 140-160 gr. The 160 gr Hornady RN is nicely accurate but not the best game bullet for anything much bigger than a deer, they sometimes will come apart badly, I would look at it as a cheaper practice/deer bullet. For big animals the 155 gr Lapua Mega, 156 gr Norma Oryx or 160 gr Woodleigh would be much prefered for game bigger than deer. While they aren't 160's the 140 gr Speer Deep Curl is an impressive bullet that you might want to consider.
I load 50 grs H4831sc with a 140 gr bullet for 2700 fps in my CZ 550. This is probably a bit hot for your M96 so I would drop 2-3 grs lower
Congratulations on the Swede
The 160 gr will penetrate into tomorrow.
The 120 gr BT will kill deer like lighting

See if you can find the 2005 Gun Digest article "Just Enough Gun- A Swede in Africa." Author Bill Woodward used a Sierra 160 gr. RN over 43 gr. of H4350 for a velocity of about 2350fps. and got excellent expansion, even on smaller game animals.
Fantastic information all - thank you.

I picked up some brass this weekend, now just need to get some Redding dies and I'll be set.

Not sure why, but there is nothing that beats the feel of an old battle rifle.
Dad used one to shoot "military silhouettes" which was just shooting the regular animal silhouettes out to 500 meters, from prone, with old military battle rifles. He had a lot of fun shooting the Sweede, usually with 140 gr Sierra Matchkings over H4350. I think he wishes he'd kept that rifle now, as his .30-06 kicks a lot more.

I had no problem toppling the steel rams at 500 meters with the old 6.5 - it was a sweet shooting rifle.

I've been running 44 gr IMR 4350 under Nos or Hor 140 HPBTs Norma brass, Fed 210 match in CMP shoots quite successfully. My COL is near the max length the magazine will accomodate. Saturday I missed the Silver cut score by 1 pt in the worst wind I've ever attempted to fire a rifle in. This was my first match with this rifle since I quit running the 123 Amax bullets that occasionally didn't make it to the target without coming apart. I also ran a few test groups with H380 and got good accuracy but not quite as good as with the IMR 4350.

This load groups at or slightly under 1MOA with the issue iron sights on my 1915 CG M96. If your bore is good, you'll be amazed how these rifles shoot. Find a CMP as-issued match. Thats where these Swedes really shine! These rifles beg to be fired at distance. With 140 HPBTs and a good rifle/shooter, they'll run with any AR15 or M1A service rifle to 600 yards and beyond.

So how ridiculous was your deal? Make me jealous!! :wink:
You really have a good rifle. I have a number of them. Most likely you will have to get you a higher front sight blade so you can bring your point of impact down a bunch. They are battle sighted if my memory serves me correct for 300 meters which makes impact about 6 to 7" high at 100 yards. Brownell's has them and I think Midway USA has them also. It is a standard Mauser (high) front sight blade. I find the load I want to shoot and then file the front sight to allow the point of impact to be about 1/2" low at 100 yards. Then you can use the back sight elevation notches and (my little trick). You can use pieces of duct and masking tape placed under the back sight elevator to raise your POI in small amounts. Masking tape at 100 yards moves about 1/4" and duct tape about 1/2".

Here is a really accurate target load. As far as the powder and amount it came from one of the older Sierra manuals.
LOAD: 37.8 grs IMR 4895, CCI BR2 primer, Remington case, 140 gr Sierra Match King, OAL 3.050.
This is a mild but really accurate load. I have taken many first places in the military rifle bench rest shoots that we came up with at our club with this load.

I have one 96 Swede that I picked up that Bubba had already done some hacking on. I turned it into a really nice sportier hunting rifle.
These loads come from the tech at Accurate Arms Powder I talked with a few years ago.
These are MAX loads according to the tech for the 96 Mauser. They are slightly under 46,000 CUP.
LOAD: 46 grs AA 4350, Fed 210M primer, 120 Nosler ballistic tip or Sierra Pro Hunter, Remington case, OAL 3.050, average 3000 fps from the 29" barrel of the 96 Mauser.

LOAD: 45 grs AA 4350, Fed. 210M primer, 140 Sierra Game King or Hornady Spire point, Remington case, OAL 3.050, averages 2850 fps from my 29" barrel 96 Mauser.

These loads are super deer killers and accurate.

You will notice that the over all length (OAL) of each load is 3.050 . These rifles have looooooog throats for the 160 gr RN bullets. 3.050 is about as long as will work through the magazine and really shoot accurate for me.
So how ridiculous was your deal? Make me jealous!! :wink:

$200 - And I don't think it was ever fired after it was imported. I did some preliminary clean up last night and by all indications, this was purchased and set aside. It does have the normal dings on the wood, but the barrel looks like new. :)

And thanks 1 shot for the load. I have my eyes open for the IMR 4895 and some Sierra's. (6.5 being the one caliber I don't have a selection on...)
This will really make you sick. It has been between 15 and 20 years ago but I bought 96 Swedes for an average of $90 to $110. I would not let one go for under $600 today.
My rifle is Sako 85.
Brass Lapua, primer G210 Match
140 AB, col 3.100 powder MRP Norma 48 gr or N560.
2650 FPS from 22 inch barrel.

100 Sierra, Laupa brass, G210 Match primer, Hogdon H4350 49.5 Gr.
2950 FPS, col 2.85.
Both very accurate and no deer and coyote likes them.
