Anyone shoot a Savage 260 rem?


Mar 10, 2010
I am thinking real hard about getting one of these, i am looking at the model 11, 16 and even the predator.
HeathSexton: how does your predator shoot and how does it carry? The weight is the only reason I have not jumped on the predator model.
It's awesome to see the 6.5 club. What a great caliber. 6.5's rock
Thanks guys
My .243 Predator shoots awesome for a stock, out of the box rifle, 1/2" at 100 no problem. That is with 55, 60, 70, 77 grain bullets, haven't really fed her many 95's and 100's are coming up this weekend.
It's soggy to carry but with the scope 8x32-40, I don't see me in the bush with it anyway, will have to have another for that.
I handled a Pred Max in 243 and while a little barrel heavy, it wasn't out of line at all. Seems like a very stable shooting platform and would be pretty sweet in a 260 or 6.5x284. Hope you get one, it will be sweet to see how they are shooting.

Gotta get Heath fired up some and give us some more range reports! Scotty
Just handled my first Savage in this platform last week. Went in more on a curiosity thing just to see if they had a .260 - Nope. Instead it was a 6.5x284 Kind of have teh shakes and twitches now -
Well, mine shoots great. After getting used to the accutrigger if it goes over .5" with the Cor-Bon's, I had the shakes. I have not loaded for mine yet, still shooting Cor-Bon 139gr Scenars. It is a tad heavy I guess, but it does not weigh anymore than my 300 Weatherby or 300 Win Mag once I weighed them and is real close in weight to my 1895G. I have not done a single thing to mine other than be sure the action screws were torqued proper.

I went out to the steel the other day and my 4 shots at 620 were still visible on the steel, all 4 were smaller than my fist, around 4" I guess tops, not bad for under 20 rounds total fired that day, the first day I shot it.

I have a 116 30/06 and it honestly shoots just as good, I have not had a single group go over .7" for 3 shots at 100yds with 180NBT's and H4831, and I hit steel on 16 straight shots at 620yds with it. If I was buying an all 'rounder in .260 Rem that would probably be the way I went. My 116 is light, points good, and shoots fantastic.
Powerstroke":14q6dsjt said:
Just handled my first Savage in this platform last week. Went in more on a curiosity thing just to see if they had a .260 - Nope. Instead it was a 6.5x284 Kind of have teh shakes and twitches now -

That would be a cool rifle. I kinda went to get one of them when I found my M70 264. Love the 264 but the Savage would have been a sweet rifle also.

Heath thanks for the report. They do seem like great rifles. Scotty
Savage makes a good rifle. Nothing fancy about them, they are all business. Haven't seen one that doesn't shoot, from 17HMRs to 300 magnums. Truly incredible rifles for the price. As with anything, you can get a fussy one I suppose but in several years as a rangemaster at our club's sight in days, I've never seen one that wouldn't do 1.5" or better even with crappy box-store ammo. guys that handloaded or shot Nosler or Hornady custom ammo generally did much better. I've always been a mauser guy, justifies my interest in hobby gunsmithing to build them from old mil. actions, but this winter I broke down and traded an extra pistol for a Sav. 110 accutrigger 30-06 the pawn broker had on the shelf. Still waiting for work to slow down so I can run some loads through it and see how it shoots.